
Responses from hiradi

Turntable mats
In my experience that depends a lot on the actually turntable platter...all mats, clamps/weights,alter the sound to a degree...I have been mainly using the Goldmund mat and the Goldmund clamp,they appear,to my old ears,be adding or subtracting les... 
Is it worth this tonearm?
Hi again Peter...Winter is very nice in Tasmania...a beaut 15 gerees C and sunny,,,good for the Solar power...Swampwalker nailed it...IMO too,probably the most important interface is the arm/cartridge...the ZYX Universe is a eye opener,definitly w... 
Is it worth this tonearm?
The older model Triplanar I owned for a few years and from all the pivoted arms I have owned ,that would be the one I would buy again...superbly built and "rock" solid...I am now lucky enough to have ZYX's best cartridge in the AirTangent linear t... 
Stand-alone phono amps?
Hi and geetings again from Australia...The Jadis had a tendency to have a bit of a warm sound...I used RAM "quiet" tubes in the first stage and NOS in the second...still,it was never entirely neutral,compared to my transistor ones ,but very musica... 
Stand-alone phono amps?
I owned a Jadis DMPC before,the one for sale now is not by me...it is valve based and very musical ,but NOT for real low MC's outputs...has a volume control and had plenty of gain to drive my passive...most others use a j-fet or transformer to ste... 
Review: Tact Audio Tact 2.2x Preamplifier
Thanks Richard...esp. for that bit of poetry on your VS site,I should have payed a bit more attention at school....Helmut"A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly c... 
Kr Audio Kronzilla vs Atma-sphere MA1?
Greetings from Australia...I have had the pleasure of owning both amplifiers ,the Kronzilla SD,stereo and the Atmasphere S-30 MK2(incl. Zero boxes)...driving the Horning Alkibiades ....they are both excellent amplifiers !!! I found both to be very... 
Horning Speakers Good or Great
Hello Musicfile...Greetings from Australia...I have now owned the Alkibiades for nearly 3 years and also they are not horns as such,at 99db they are very dynamic,very musical,easy too listen too all day,no fatigue...the bass is superb and well int... 
Fascinating TT-review
Thanks ,from down under.for sharing that info....Happy listening Helmut 
Solar Powered Audio
I fully agree that on a smaller installation you do loose a lot in the conversion from AC to DC...as I mentioned I just did purchase a German made small DC amplifier for efficient speakers....puts out about 10 watt...and so far I am very impressed... 
Solar Powered Audio
Hello from Down under,Australia...I have been running a Solar set up now for 6 years and recently upgraded my 20 Solar Panels and also added a Wind Generator...that's for running a KR Audio Kronzilla and all the other goodies in the past...Power w... 
OTL or SET? Differences?
Hello Otto...Greetings from Australia !!!I have tried several good Amplifiers on the Horning Alkibiades 99db,which have very deep bass and the appropiate big enclosure...Rushtons ,comments of the Atma-sphere S30 are spot on "On the flip side, the ... 
Marantz SA11s1
Hi from down under...In my system ,I was unable to put up with the mid bass,which appeared to my ears to heavy,otherwise it was very smooth and nice...thougt the modified Marantz 63SE I had at the time was overall a more neutral player...bought th... 
Help me choose TT of these three candidates.
Hi again...The LaLuce Centoventi is ,to my ears, a very musical,lively sound...with excellent soundstaging and seperation of the instruments ,lots of air around each instrument...as I said the cartridge is still breaking in...what suprised me most... 
Help me choose TT of these three candidates.
Hello from Australia...I have just completed the setup of my LaLuce with the AirTangent arm and a ZYX "nude" Cosmos 3 weeks ago...still coming to terms with the incredible sound ,cartridge still breaking in...all I can say so far...by far the best...