
Responses from issabre

Counterpoint Da-10 /ultra analog good ?
I had Counterpoint gear for a couple of years and I wouldn't own it again if you paid me. It's fragile and only pretty good sounding. Besides they are out of business and I think Alta Vista only provides support for the amps and pre. Not sure thou... 
What does tube bias do for sound?
Yes, higher bias will increase the warmth, and decrease the tube life....sometimes drastically. Lower bias will make the sound less sweet, but will tighten it up and make it more dynamic. This is my experience with my old Dyancos. 
How do VANDERSTEEN Signature 2ce's rate?
That's a very good point Sd. In fact, my Vandy's are pretty good at showing me the true quality of a recording. And I'm starting to understand that most recording out there are real junk. I was running mid level equipment and thus built my CD coll... 
The Fourfold path...which way to go?
Hi Craig, I'll be using my Perreaux 2150B. It's plenty powerful to give me the good tight bass. I think it does have a touch of Mosfet haze though. Sean, here on the site, has had some experience with perreaux gear and is hooking me up with a pair... 
The Fourfold path...which way to go?
Thanks guys, I see you feel my pain. Never again (eyes downcast in shame). But perhaps not all is lost. I like the idea of going with a tube pre and using an ss amp. I was wondering if there are any difference in soundstage. when you use tubes in ... 
How do VANDERSTEEN Signature 2ce's rate?
Joe Coherent, I would like to understand 1) what qualifies as "shitty" music; 2) How you know what "most" audiophiles like; 3)How you settled upon your screen that supposed to be irony? 
Tired of same ol' CD'd...
Can't lose on these world music albums: From Cuba, Juan Carlos Formell's "Stories from a Little Blue House" is a great Sunday afternoon relaxer; Putumayo's Brasiliero is a hands downer; If you like African music: Salief Keita's "Mansa of Mali" or ... 
How do VANDERSTEEN Signature 2ce's rate?
I'm with Garfish. I think my Vandy 2ce's are great at imaging and, though not as detailed as the Thiels, are pretty good in the high and mids. The Thiels and Vandersteens are really on opposite ends of the spectrum with regard to sound, so there i... 
Sorry I guess when I submitted I garbled the post...sorry. 
I've been both ways. Tube on pre, tubes on amp, both and none. My favorite is tube pre and ss for exactly the same reasons everyone has mentioned above. When you get too many tubes in the system, however I find a loss of detail and a too laid back... 
Worst Music of All-Time
Saw a Rock-u-mentary on Styx last night. Geeez did they do some awful stuff. Lady. Babe. Mr. Roboto. Someone on the film described it as a "parking lot full of whale vomit". I'd be inclined to agree. 
Carl, have you thought about biamping your system with the Krell on the bass and the Rogues on the top end using an active crossover? I'm thinking about doing the same with my Dynaco and Perreaux. 
Feelings on Napster?
I grew up, at least partly in northern georgia, my grandparents had a house in Macon county, near the line with North Carolina, in the mountains. I spent my childhood in the mountains there, working in Highlands north carolina, if you know where t... 
Feelings on Napster?
I don't know if I'm that type of person. While I love great sound, I find myself easily distracted by a noisy tube or a scratched cd. I don't know anyone with a good turntable, but I was thinking of just getting a old thorens off ebay and taking a... 
Feelings on Napster?
No, I've found that it's not very good quality at all, with alot of the longer pieces cut off unnaturally. And unless your using a T1 or DSL service, it's laboriously slow. However, it will allow you to get into some music that previously you migh...