
Responses from j10

what really happened to j. skul
FOLLOWUP:>02-17-03: NrchyJ 10 it would not be a problem to name names, but since this was reported to me in confidence and the source is well known to many here I would not do the discourtesy to someone I respect (as oppossed to the discourtesy... 
what really happened to j. skul
> 02-17-03: Capeguy> j10,your an "east-coast liberal democrat of the worst kind"as if there was any other kind.< You forgot the badabing!> I thought larry archibald was the resident left winger on stereophile.< How left can you be l... 
what really happened to j. skul
> 02-17-03: Trelja Well... well... Houston, I see we have a problem.> Well, in this thread we have basically sealed the deal for me. < You have made up your mind then. I heard it pounding shut. Okay. I like open minds. I suspect audiophil... 
what really happened to j. skul
>Does this thread serve any useful purpose? Well, Sir, I see it this way. All kinds of stuff has been said or attributed to me in this thread. Can you tell me a single reason why I *shouldn't* respond? I mean, anyone can say anything they want ... 
what really happened to j. skul
> I thought J. Skull to be perhaps the most pompous, arrogant reviewer out there, whose reviews revealed mostly how full of himself he was, and the actual substance of the reviews was very mediocre at best.< Sorry you didn't catch my meaning... 
what really happened to j. skul
> saxo,tell us how you really feel. Well, I looked at your profile, maybe you're not Jim Saxon, I think I called him John at some point... so apologies if you're not him. JS www.monstercable.com/scullreport 
what really happened to j. skul
> saxo,tell us how you really feel. I think I know how he really feels, if he's the RGPC dealer I think he might be.> i agree the ribbon chair was a bit much Dunno, involved the old lady, she found it, pretty comfortable place to listen to ... 
what really happened to j. skul
"Saxo"... Saxo... this wouldn't be John Saxon, the "reviewer" audio salesman who went beserk at the RGPC review? Or are you a mysterious "other". JSI thought J. Skull to be perhaps the most pompous, arrogant reviewer out there, whose reviews revea... 
what really happened to j. skul
> meisterkleef,i thought about your comment re;scull and at the risk of pissing off that great arbiter of taste and judgement,dekay, i think you were interested in his stuff for the same reason as i,he was extremly entertaining,even if you disa... 
what really happened to j. skul
> dekay, gossiping, poor taste/judgement are you for real? js is or was a public figure and im sure he would understand a long time subscribers interest in the sudden departure of a senior editor given the one line response by j. atkison regard... 
what really happened to j. skul
> So, your hobby is gossiping about individuals and their personal/professional lives in public forums?< Ah, thanks, the voice of reason and civil behavior. Shoot first, ask the corpse afterwards if it's true. "even if i had j10 address whic... 
what really happened to j. skul
> Without mentioning any names I heard the gentleman was some what of a problem for Stereophile. Sigh. Please mention names and don't dribble innuendo you can't back up. Who's your source? In what way? Are you making it up? Was the person invol... 
what really happened to j. skul
> hey dekay, lighten up man, Amen!> i was curious about the sudden departure of a major player in the industry who wrote in a magazine that i have read for a long time. regardless of what you thought of scull, and my opinion lines up more o... 
what really happened to j. skul
> Has anyone read an issue of Stereophile and actually missed Jonathan Scull(not Skull)??? Thank you.> I was one of the more vocal opponents to the power J10 was wielding at Stereophile. I'm sure you give me too much credit. Stereophile went... 
what really happened to j. skul
> Why don't you just ask JS if you are so hot on the "truth"? Yeah, that's what I would'a done. And what's been said is the truth. Money. Primedia didn't have much at the time, Monster did. End of story, after a couple of months of nail-biting....