
Responses from jabali_hunter

Aleph 5 passive vertical bi-amping?
Speakers are Sonus Faber Grand Piano floorstanders. They are rated up to 200 watts, so I don't think there would be a problem there. Was hoping to get some extra benefits of using the 2 amps, ratehr than having to worry about tuning crossovers to ... 
XLR-RCA adapters - which to choose?
Got an interesting email from an Audiogon member. He says:Using a transformer or an active circuit adds "processing" in the audio path - don't do it!My friend had Cardas and switched to Tara Labs adapters, which he thought are better. With either ... 
XLR-RCA adapters - which to choose?
Wow - that is a serious looking piece of kit that Mitch4t suggested! For $200 I could reterminate my balanced S-X Ltd to RCA and then back again later if I change my source! I take it there is a real advantage to getting the Jensen transformer? 
XLR-RCA adapters - which to choose?
Thanks for all the suggestions. It seems that most people are pretty happy with the Cardas adapters. I noticed some darkening to the sound when using an unbalanced cable terminated RCA to XLR. I put it down to feeding the balanced inputs of my pre... 
Aleph 5 - buzzing sound when hot?
Latest news from Pass labs is that the Aleph 5 deos use a toroid - made in the UK (so shouldn't be an electric current frequency problem). They suggest that with age and temperature, it could be a meltdown of the Sorbathane pad underneath the tran... 
Aleph 5 - buzzing sound when hot?
Apparently the Aleph does use a torroidal transformer, so this is unlikely to be the cause, although the bit about the 50Hz electricity can be true. Anyway I have contacted Pass Labs. When I get a response, I will post the answer here. 
Aleph 5 - buzzing sound when hot?
Thanks for your responses. Its definitely a mechanical noise and not from the speakers. Someone told me that all US amps with serious power supplies buzz because of the 50Hz mains electricity, as they don't use toroidal transformers or other power... 
Translation Help
You could try http://www.tritrans.net/Don't know how good it is though and how many times you can use it for free. 
Personal amp evolution
Very simple really:Musical Fidelity FX followed by Pass Aleph 5. Played with a Musical Fidelity F19 alot, but never owned it. All of them are great in their way, but am currently still in love with the Aleph!