
Responses from jasman

Good entry level transport?
I use a Marantz CD67SE as a transport and it works fine. Check around there is always used ones available. 
Rel Sub Woofers..Any Experience
How do Rel subs compare to Hsu Research VTL-2? I also own Martin Logan speakers 
Best Holiday CDs?
Rounder Records has a nice sampler out, it's called "Must Be Santa". Also George Winston's December is nice. 
where to find sacd's??
Ditto to cornfedboy, Acoustic Sounds has a great selection and a excellant catolog. (acousticsounds.com) 
Long Live 2 Channel audio......???
Back when I was sellinng HiFi most came in looking for surround sound. I asked them, have you ever heard a very good two channel system? Most replied no. So I proceeded to show them a highend two channel system. In most cases the customer was blow... 
Best CD Player, new or used between $1-2K
Look at the Adcom GCD750 or the Rotel RCD991, both can be had for around $1200.00 
Looking for musical A/V receiver
The best receiver I heard is the Rotel RSX965. 
CDP upgrade
I went with the MSB Link DAC III with the P1000 power base. The Marantz CD67SE is basically built well. I would suggest getting a good digital cable to hookup between the D/A converter and the CD player. The MSB sound good out of the box, but it s... 
Budget System matching, need integr amp
I agree with Jules, Jolida Tube amps are nice for the money. 
Amps suitable for Martin Logan speakers?
Pick up a used Threshold amp (T200) 
What kind of amplification for Martin Logan SL3 ?
A used Theshold amp like a T200. I use this amp with a pair of Aerius i,s and it sounds great! 
Best 5 channel amp under $1000??
Rotel 985mkII