
Responses from jasonw01

Aether Audio Black Box or Nuforce Magic Cube ???
RAe these better than the synergistic speaker cells? 
Opera Tebaldi
any other experiences? 
Amps for MBL 111
Thanks Ericngo1....I think what I will end up doing is finding MBL amps second hand. 
thoughts on MBL amps: 8011 vs 9007's
I know this thread is a few years old, but there is precious little info on this subject, & I am soon to be in the same boat. MRIBOB are you still running the 8011's? 
Music Culture Technology
^Thanks Teajay 
MBL Speaker Placement + 116F
Has the tv made a difference? 
Considering Eastern Electric M156 Monoblock Amps
Very interesting. I had never heard of them, but I'm going to see what I can find out. Appears to be an option for me. 
Amps for MBL 111
MBL amps are quite expensive & I'm thinking that I should be able to find another brand that can do the job for less money. 
Amps for MBL 111
I agree. Thanks Martinmobile. I'm just starting my evolution from entry level hi-fi & I'm taking all the advice & feedback I can get. 
Amps for MBL 111
Also, I'm 99% sure of running 2 monoblocks. Any comments on trying to run 4 monoblocks?