MBL Speaker Placement + 116F

I am interested in getting the MBL 116F was wondering if you could share your experience. How do they sound compared to other similar priced speakers? I Read a review regarding the previous model and the reviewer noted that speaker placement is very critical. However, I am not sure what he meant by that. Your suggestions are much appreciated. My room is 13' x 20' with an opening to the dining room.

Thanks very much,
Hey Partner, I say buy them if you can and not to worry about the placement as much. There are lots of opinions on how best to set up "Radialstrahlers", with MBL giving instructions, room dimensions, and a whole lot of mind numbing mathmatical calculations (in their owners manuals). All of that is cool if you have the size room to do it. Mbl speakers can fill up an acoustic space like nobodys business, but you don't NEED to have them set-up on the long wall (although preferable). I have a "smallish" room just like you do, 15 feet wide by 18 feet long. I have owned 111e's and placed them on the short wall on 8 foot centers and that worked very well for me. Although I did need to tame the front wall a bit with some acoustic panels as omni's throw alot of energy out and tended to be a tad bit "bright". I recently sold my 111e's and bought a pair of 101e Mk2's. Put em in the same room...right in the same spot, and they work killer. I am sure a larger room would only improve their awesome performance, but don't be afraid to go for it in your listening room. My guess is that you will be as blown away as I was that it actually worked!
I realize most of you guys are talking about speakers being placed 3 to 5 feet away from the front wall, which is where my 111e's will be. My situation is a little different in that although the speakers will be about 8 feet apart and 5 feet from the side wall, between the speakers against the front wall I have a big tv which is built into a big 7 foot high cabinet and is about 2 feet deep.

Anybody care to quess what that may do to the sound waves? I have my vandersteeen quatros listed right now and if you go there you can see my front room. I also have a 5 channel Krell amp and processor. I am thinking I might want to change them. I listen to both 2 channel and home theatre. Any suggestions would be appreciated.