
Responses from jdubusc

Kora Hermes or EVS Millenium or Audio Note DAC One.1x?
I have heard the EVS, owned the Hermes (24/192) and now have the Audio Note 3.1 X Balanced. The EVS was not musical, the Hermes was excellent and a good value. But, the Audio Note 1.1 X blew the Hermes away with its transparency; the AN does not o... 
300B tube ringing
It may well be the 300B; however, it could be your driver tube. Consider swapping, left to right, your 300Bs and recheck the ringing issue to rule out another source. Jim. 
Death of Vinyl? Nah
Check Ralph Towner on one of his solo performances...Nirvana. 
Component video cable?
My experience with Rick and his audio and video component interconnects has been my choice after wide and, yes, expensive experimentation. I have VD (not the infection) wire and no regrets. Jim. 
4 ohm speakers with tube amps?
If it has 4 Ohm taps, Yes. 
Is it worth upgrading DVD to progressive scan?
300B king of tubes?
Stereophile did a review a couple of years ago and the WEs came out on top. They are pricey, but I got WEs and will replace these with WEs. My $0.02, Jim. 
Review: Audio Note DAC 3.1 Balanced DA converter
Kevin,You have set a new standard for reviews and thank you for your time. I write only to say as an Audio Note 3.1X Signature owner, that I have compared the Audio Note 1.1X Sig to the Audio Logic 2400 at $4,500 (as well as several others) and wi... 
Opinions on Audio Note ANj speakers
I have the Audio Note E-SECs and, frankly, feel blessed. However, my story begins with the cheapest AN-Es. I brought them into my home on a lark, just a data base enhancing sort of move to further appreciate my Kharma Ceramiques which were four, t... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
The chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 
Transformer coupled / Capacitor coupled
Hi Clueless,My recollection of the effects of capictors vs transformers during my radar repair days was that if you want to alter the shape of a waveform, eg, a square wave (which may appear simple, but is rather complex) use a capacitor and if yo... 
Why do the Audio Note preamps sound so much better
I will concede from the outset that I have a bias, forgive the play on words, for I am an AN owner. The point I wish to make is regarding my experience with two passive preamps: the EVS attenuators and the Placette passive preamp. IMHO, I found th... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
Some of these go back a ways: MBS Full Nelson, Millenium #1, Dodson DA-217 MK IID, 47 Labs, Audio Logic, Kora Hermes, and Audio Note and at least a couple of others. BTW, the Audio Note, the cheapest DAC 1.1, SOUNDED the best. I have the Audio Not... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
When comparing upsampling, which I was championing, to one bit sampling, I was astounded how much information was lost with the upsampling equipment auditioned. The very information which provides the layering of the sound stage and air about the ... 
Audionote 3.1x
My vote is for the Audio Note CD player after listening to those above save for the CD Heart 6000. The Audio Note is also a good value for the money.