
Discussions jeffloistarca has started

Fair market value of a turntable/arm/cartidge?20327
Where to get spikes for Apogee Cephus 6's? Help19836
Simple all-in-one remote for HT?26488
Re-tube time for a BAT VK30. Advice please648415
Caught in a squeeze27348
Is there an AutoGon on the 'net?17384
Greatest Songwriter of all time2107480
New Classe CRCD All-In-One? Anyone heard it?32326
Any audio gifts for Christmas?828139
Shouldn't this be intuitive?18766
This is bugging me388712
An open letter to Terrorists570217
Adding a headphone amp to a BAT preamp107638
Bi-amping Tablettes with a Classik?17562
I found it23058