
Responses from jetrexpro

Beautiful Classical Smaller Pieces, duo,trio,etc
The Mozart Flute/Harp Concerto. Mozart clarinet concerto. Mozart also wrote a lot of chamber music for winds. I have always been struck by how beautiful and ingenious Mozart's writing for winds is. His Grand Partita is one of his most famous works... 
Review: Lahave Audio Khara Speaker
Grannyring, I was gong to ask how you like them with your low power 845 SET and your review sounds very positive. Do you feel like you lose anything with 10 watts? Wondering how a 300b SET would drive them. Also great to read about your DIY crosso... 
Another benefit with Class D Audio
Dan, the Belden wire arrived a few days ago. Once I'm through futzing around with my 300b power supply I'll build and install them. Looking forward to it. Thanks-jet 
Another benefit with Class D Audio
Hi Dan. You have created your own multimedia paradise! Modding equipment for the particular job that piece of gear needs to do. Your class D amps sound like a worth while investment yielding much pleasure. Great fun. 
Glenn Campbell - new found respect
Revered indeed! Pickin a guitar is at least one of the ways to meet women :) 
What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?
Rebbi, I have following this thread and want to add my congratulations. I would have not believed how good 8 watts can sound for all types of music and I know you are experiencing that kind of musicality that connects at a very basic emotional lev... 
Go buy Paul Simon's "1 trick pony"
Got my LP on amazon "near mint" for $7 incl shipping. Thanks Raymonda- Jet 
Top resistors
Bigkidz, Thank you for the update on Shinko resistors. I see Shinkoh Tantalum Resistors offered at Hifi collective. Are they the same as your Shinko resistors -Regards Jet 
High value, high efficiency speakers for SET amps
it might also turn out that there may be no need to look at other speakers since it may turn out that the Kit one/De Capo combo may be a long term satisfactory combo 
High value, high efficiency speakers for SET amps
If it were me, I would enjoy the De Capo speakers and save my $$ and in a few years take a look at Audio Note AN-e's. I did this. I waited until I could afford the E's. Before I got them I listened to them and am still in musical love four years l... 
DeVore Orangutan 96 an upgrade over DeVore 9?
Ladok, Audio Note AN-E. You can see them in my system pg. I hope some other members might jump in here to dispute my findings. I have actually been very hesitant to publish my findings since most reviewers rave about of luck with your ... 
DeVore Orangutan 96 an upgrade over DeVore 9?
Ladok, Your right, it seems I may be the only person that has noticed this all though as you mention, the reviews do note having to dial in the bass. Hope you can give them a listen before pulling the trigger. You'll get a larger scale with these ... 
DeVore Orangutan 96 an upgrade over DeVore 9?
With the O/96 you will gain richness and visceral musicality. But be sure to hear them and see if you like the low end. I heard them a few times and felt the bass was a bit sluggish. Others may chime in to disagree. Got a serious soft spot for the... 
DIY Stereo Rack
Agree with maple. When I was reading what folks think audio components sound good sitting on maple came up very often -Regards Jet 
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...
Bummer. I'm sure those Altecs with your 6C6/2A3 is immediate and very present. Would like to hear what they can do. I dont have have that kind of space for speakers like that in Brooklyn but I can always dream! -Jet