
Responses from jetrexpro

My New Large Advents
I had the large advents for years. They sounded great. If I still had them I would opt for an amp that has a warmish mid range. As I remember the mids were a bit on the lean side. 
What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?
Keep us posted on your search.Regards-Jet 
classical music source
Here Here to great sounding classical vinyl when you can find it...My friend brought over a Moblie Fidelity vinyl recording of Richard Strauss Also Sprach Zarathustra and we were both stunned at how good it sounded. I don't think I have a CD that ... 
classical music source
I am with most on this thread and depend on CDs for most of my classical listening. I have not have good luck with classical on vinyl. My ayon CD player does a great job. I prefer jazz on vinyl. 
What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?
Rebbi, If you built the bottle head you can build a 300b amp kit. Audio Note Kits have some nice 300b amps to choose from. Tube Audio Labs have some good amps as well. The great thing about building your own is that you can change the flavor of th... 
Is there any 50W 300B SET monoblock out there?
Check out the Emission Labs website. They have several 300b variants that can put out around 20 watts. 
Porqupine Tree
I noticed that both "Deadwing" and "The incident" are a bit behind "In Absentia" in the sonics department. Disappointing since they are such wonderful albums. Another favorite of mine is "Fear of A Blank Planet". 
Porqupine Tree
Slaw, One of my favorite bands. On the dark side but such adventurous good music. Steve Wilson is so talented. The drummer Gavin Harrison kicks butt. One of the most musical drummers I have heard. I have their stuff on CD but you have inspired me ... 
Neutral and open sounding 300B tubes
Hi Pani, Which Wavac amp do you have? What speakers? This might help pin point a tube. Perhaps you can arrange an audition of various tubes through someone that lives near by. 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Charles,The Silverbacks would be too big for our listening room but if we moved to a larger space where these speakers would work, they would be a serious consideration. As you made reference 8-10 watts should work well for them. I heard them bein... 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Thegoodarcher, Did you make a speaker choice?I heard the Silverbacks briefly the other day. My first time. I could not believe my ears. So much energy musicality and intensity coming from these speakers but totally under control. Definitely a movi... 
Best 300B SET
Edoit, I would first look at Shindo speakers and also Devore speakers. I have heard Devore speakers with Shindo electronics and it has always been a very musical experience. Some folks have paired Shindo electronics with Audio Note speakers. Do yo... 
Best 300B SET
Edoit, I have thrown you off topic. Your original inquiry is to pair a Shindo pre with a cost no object 300b amp. Please hear the Shindo 300b amp with the Massetto. System synergy - at least that is a place to begin. 
Best 300B SET
I don't know if this is how other tube types react since I have only heard 300b in my home, but with my 300b implementation the more complex and layered the rock music the more the layers of sound texture float into my listening space. Reverb and ... 
Best 300B SET
Pani, I happen to very much enjoy Rock and pop and heavy rock music on my 300b amp and speakers. The guitars drums vocals, etc simply jump out and grab me and take me on a wild room filling textured ride. Rock with 300b's in the right system is de...