
Responses from jg2077

Step down transformers detrimental to SQ?
+1 on the Accupower.I bought one and am pleased with it.  In the event you purchase one, I suggest you opt for one which allows for future growth.Regards,Jose 
Sony PS-X9
Gentlemen, I will have to start a new thread.   However,  I have  received my "Final Lab VTT-1 reference ".  It must weigh 70lbs, maybe more,  It is a thing of beauty! How do I post a picture here?? 
Sony PS-X9
@uber. Did you buy the TT from Yahoo auctions??Well to scratch my itch, I bought a Verdier.   I also bought a 3 arm capable Final audio research VTT-1.I'm sure in the near future a PS X9 or Dennon will come my way. Jose 
Sony PS-X9
@ct0517 thank you, PM sent.I don't care to modify, much less park it.  Gentlemen, I have had a modest technics 1200 for 30 years...just looking for a cool (beauty is in the eye of the beholder), good sounding TT with some collectability value.I ap... 
Sony PS-X9
@lewm No worries.  No offense taken. On that note (direct drive) there are nice examples readily available,  I've considered.   My experience is limited and thus defer to the experience of you fine members. Jose 
Sony PS-X9
Within exchanged emails (5) with "aledo", I was constantly reminded of size/weight restrictions...thus my apprehension.  I  didn't want to pay for something and no way of getting it home.  The other stated issue, were the shipping charges.I bought... 
Sony PS-X9
I did not participate in the bidding (yahoo Japan).  Aledo states, Japan Post has size and weight restrictions, the TT exceeds all the restrictions.Currently, I am looking at a Plantine Verdier.  Opinions??Jose 
Sony PS-X9
The response I received, tells they are limited by size and weight (Japan Post),  However,  the "aledo" website says they can ship anywhere in the world with little restrictions, they contradict themselves... I emailed back, asking if they will or... 
Sony PS-X9
@Jones.  I sent an email asking what the shipping cost would be.  I'm waiting for a response.   If I understand correctly,  seller sends to auction site and they ship to buyer.?By the way,  I bought a Basis 2500 with vacuum locally, temporary..Jose 
Sony PS-X9
I will be bidding on the Yahoo auction.   There has to be a premium for one serviced and in pristine condition.  If we are suggesting the price (selling) should be $5 - 6K; what should the premium (adder) be??  Also, the total has to reflect perfo... 
Sony PS-X9
I will look into it.   I have to register and hopefully, they can ship.On another note. I've been a lurker here and the other common audio sites for years,  time has passed, financially I'm doing MUCH better.  I appreciate everyone's input / advic... 
Sony PS-X9
Umm... correction; $13,000.00 question.Jose 
Sony PS-X9
Yes.  It will be my first time to attend an audio show.You know,  the search started out pretty simple/basic, it has consumed as of late...Jose 
Sony PS-X9
@lewm Sorry for the confusion.   What I meant,  was that I would be able to audition other TT.I will look at the Rega.I'm looking at some SP 10 MK2&3 as well.  
Sony PS-X9
@theophile By "GT", is he (reviewer) referring to the Yamaha GT2000 ?  I am willing to pay a bit extra for the sony, however, not twice as much.  I am partial to vintage gear.There is an audio show next month in Florida, I will be attending, maybe...