
Discussions jinmtvt has started

where to find info on DIY solid state electronics?11492
DIY speakers vertical array a la "pipedreams" syst983322
ESL speakers : looking for something..need help33757
Upgrading - - recommendations monitor speaker?310411
Tired wiating - good Bryston/what else to get?525117
Bryston amps VS the rest... too clear and neutral?723118
Headphone amps HD what are the choices?405215
Upgrading power cord.. proven upgrade? or crap?681844
making our own custom cables/interconnects ...22708
Pream PROC for HT need help to choose ..12502
Newbie question.. Preamp and Sub43458
What is the "design" of the "ULTIMATE" loudspeaker28129
HT Speakers... nice sound for good price ?19724
PRE and AMPS same brand ? or different brand?29267
how to know what power to get-match speakers best?28657