
Responses from joekapahulu

Tidal and Squeezebox
Found this while looking for info on how to get my sbt going again. It's been sitting for a year or so during a remodel and has not been updated in years essentially since the manufacturer bailed. Where should I start to get a better handle on wha... 
My wife is at it again.........
Read read your wife’s blog tonight and laughed out loud more than once.  She is very funny and writes well. It certainly made my bookmarks list. I will also share it with my wife so she not only recognizes there are kindred souls out there of both... 
All Quiet on the Oppo front?
I am on the email list but have heard nothing? What email account did the email come from? Wonder if it hit the Trash bin? 
Cambridge Audio 740 cdp dying...suggested replacement?
Thx. Will check it out.  
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
A couple of observations. 1-Value is in the eye of the purchaser. It differs based on our engagement in the category and product considered.2- We live in a consumer culture but each persons perception of appropriate spending is different and refle... 
marantz pm8006 vs peahtree nova 150.
I have a 8005. It is very good for about $1000 new. Detailed, slightly warm, amply powered, good remote, 3 yr warranty and  Japan built with lots of Marantz Reference DNA in design and parts. The 8006 seems to be a refinement on this mode which wa... 
Acurus RL11 Mods
There used to be a guy on the audiokarma site under Mondialfan (Kevin M) who did them. Also Ken Ealey, tho he seems to have disappeared. The Mondialfan guy also sold a kit on Ebay. I got the kit last year and had a local tech do the work on my RL1... 
TX audio stores in Austin or San Antonio?
Thx for the responses. Looks like something should work. 
TX audio stores in Austin or San Antonio?
Honolulu origin then Philly/Wilmington for holidays. Flew into few the drive down. 
Looking to get into tubes on the cheap
You may want to checkout the new Outlaw Audio stereo receiver recently getting solid reviews in Stereophile and other pubs. It has high power, is stable with 4 ohm loads and has a good complement of inputs and capabilities and downstream flexibili... 
McIntosh MC152 vs MC162
Take a look at Audio Classics inventory of preowned Mac gear. Terry DeWick, who is a Mac repair guru also has a website linked from his that sells used gear Terry has checked out. I bought an mc250 from an Ebay seller, had Terry review and upgrade... 
Inherited 21 piece of vintage McIntosh and need help building a system
You should definitely check out The McIntosh forum is great with lots of helpful folks. Great resource for me 10 years ago when I  got back into audio and got both a MA5100 and mc250 as well as other pieces. Terry DeWick is like Au... 
Aric Audio Systems Unlimited Preamp
For the price point I would checkout Spearit Audio online based in MA. They are dealers in Conrad Johnson which are outstanding tube and SS products. The SPEARING owners is retiring and they have a lot of new and used gear for sale at good prices.... 
Experience with Parasound P5?
Well, got sick (back) and ended up missing out on the P5 so I am still looking at a new used preamp. I remembered recently that one of the best experiences I had was with an older CJ PV4 tube preamp. It was the old CJ sound but still had some warm... 
Recommend Sony Amp Repair In Los Angeles
I also used George Meyer 3-4 years ago to repair an out of warranty Cambridge Audio C740 cd player. They did a good job and it was a reasonable price. shipping was a killer since I live in HI but thats not due to them. Turnaround was quick and not...