
Responses from johnmcalpin

Thiel and tubes
I'm guessing Trelja heard the Rogue and Thiel combination at my house. And a very special thanks for those comments.The Zeus is driving a pair of Thiel 2.3s, not the much more demanding 3.6 speakers. Still the 2.3 does dip below 4 ohm and nears 2 ... 
Arcam fmj cd23, isolation?
I had very good improvements using DH cones and golden squares.I borrowed several different items from The Cable Company and ran through all sorts of Polycrystal cones, Symposium roller blocks and what not.DH cones did the trick until I moved into... 
When someone sells a Arcam cd92,what next?
I went to the CD23. Then, with some spare change buring a hole in my pocket, I bought an Electrocompaniet.Both the 92 and the 23 were champs. 
Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP Mod or try Wadia 861 ?
Audiofrankj:I wish I could answer this. I contacted Steve several months ago about doing some full out mods to my EMC-1UP. And I too keep going back and forth about the Wadia 861.My biggest concern about the EMC really is ergonomics: I just don't ... 
House Hunting and New Listening Room Concerns
Thanks all. I do understand the importance of buying a home and then tailoring a system to it. However, we've worked so hard over the years on the stereo I am hesitant to junk it all and restart. My point was to try and find a house that could at ... 
Any Rogue Zeus Owners Out There? What Preamp?
I'm using the Rogue Magnum 99 with NOS Sylvanias from Rogue.I've had the Zeus for a day and listened to it for about six hours. So far, so good. But these are early impressions as you can see. 
ROGUE "Zues" Power amplifer???? Anyone???
Mine arrived yesterday. I listened to it for about six hours. So far, amazing. Great highs (sparkling, actually) and palpable presence in the mids on vocals. Bass is all I need. I'll keep the first impressions to that, since I this is far from bro... 
Philadelphia area audio club?
Dan,Thanks again for the hospitality. It was a great afternoon meeting new people and renewing old contacts.I look forward to November's gathering! 
Anybody heard the new Thiel 2.4?
All of these posts have me serioulsy considering upgrading from the 2.3 to the 2.4I had figured on keeping the 2.3 a while and maybe getting an updated 3.7 or even the 6s when we moved to a new home.Any thoughts. 
Role of HDCD in an upsampling world
That Cary is one of the players that got me started on upsampling because it had HDCD.Arcam now has the FMJ 33, an upsampling player but it is unclear if it has HDCD as did the Diva 92 and the FMJ 23. If so, that might be best for me given my enjo... 
Understanding Tube Power Ratings
Thanks all!I am preparing for an audition soonest. 
Philadelphia area audio club?
If the invitation still stands, I would like to join on Feb. 9.I've posted over on Harmonic Discord, but this seems to be an easier read, for me at least.I also live in Newton, Pa. and would love to meet others. The Ambler, Pa. outing sounds great...