
Responses from jshaw1004

ARC Reference 2 MkII Preamp white noise levels
To confirm whether reducing preamp gain will help, you can do a quick test by using SE (RCA) output from Ref 2, if you are using balanced IC right now. The Ref 2 SE output (12db) has a lower gain then balanced (18db). However, if you have in-line ... 
Need help from Pass X-600 + ARC Ref 2 MK1 user
After reducing the output gain from preamp, the humm goes away! Thanks for all your comments! 
Need help from Pass X-600 + ARC Ref 2 MK1 user
Internal ground loop? If that's the case, which unit needs to be fixed? Power amp or preamp? Thanks. 
Need help from Pass X-600 + ARC Ref 2 MK1 user
No, I don't have a dedicated line. I thought about the power issue at my home before, but why even the power re-generator (PS Audio Power Plant) still doesn't help?Another symptom is that I still can hear the music playing while turning the preamp... 
Need help from Pass X-600 + ARC Ref 2 MK1 user
I have tried Mark Levison 331 + Ref 2 at friend's house and no hum at all. The humm doesn't increase as I increase volume control. The humm occurs without connecting any sources from preamp, simply power amp + preamp. I have tried star connection ... 
Need help from Pass X-600 + ARC Ref 2 MK1 user
Cytocycle: It humms out of the speakers and a little bit from preamp's transformers as well (no mechanical hum at all on X-600's). I have tried PS-Audio's HumBuster, but it doesn't help on the mechanical hum from Ref2. I am using balanced cables. ... 
Need help from Pass X-600 + ARC Ref 2 MK1 user
Newbee: Thanks for your comment. Yes, cheater plug is the very first thing that I tried. I think I can pretty much rule out the ground loop issue. 
Jacintha's "Here's To Ben" XRCD
Thanks Ki. 
Audio Research Ref 3 Opinions
Soundoc: Which Ref2, MK1 or MK2, have you auditioned against Ref3? I am curious about Ref2 MK1 vs. Ref3 in terms of the warmness and sweetness. Thanks. 
Audio Research Ref 3 Opinions
How about Ref 3 vs. Ref 2 (MK1)? Any one has the experience? Is that true Ref 3 is not as warmer and sweeter as Ref 2 MK1? Thanks! 
Pass XA100 or X350.5
Sigmund:Does 350.5 has a sweeter and warmer top end then 350? 
Diff bet Pass X350 and 600 insound quality/
With Cello Stradivari Master speakers, X600 presents a much bigger (more open) sound stage and better mid and lower frequency imaging and clarity again X350. I agree with Rtn1 that if the speakers don't need that much power, the differences might ... 
jm lab mezzo /passlabs 600-good synergy?
Nreddy: I match X600 with ARC REF2 preamp and Cello Stradivari Master speakers. The REF2 adds a bit more sweetness and warmness to the top end and mid-range. IMHO, X600 works quite well with Cello Stradivari Master speakers for all ranges. 
ARC Ref 2 MK 2 Pre w/ Pass X-600 monos?
I have ARC REF2 (original, MKI) to match X-600's instead. There is no problem with the impedance matching. The matching rate is quite healthy at 55 (X-600/REF 2 = 22k/0.4 [XLR] = 55). I like this combo because REF2 could add a bit more sweetness/w... 
Genesis V vs. 300
Irishdog:I used to match Genesis V's with Pass Aleph 2/X-600 + ARC Ref. 2. The top end and mid-range are quite sweet and warm.