
Responses from kevinzoe

I need help with my Equipment addiction
Bummer, your WAF is a serious limiting factor to contend with. Just a thought buy my DIY Skyline diffusors have been called 'art' by many visitors and they work very well acoustically too. Would appealing to her artistic side work? If you want inf... 
I need help with my Equipment addiction
Equipment addiction you say??? Ever try your hand at room treatments? How good is any equipment if you don't have a room that allows equipment to show its stuff, warts and all? You may find that turning your attention / addiction to treating your ... 
Dusty & Jburidan - are you both using the Marchand XM44 because you've bypassed the internal xover within your speakers, OR are you using both the Marchand external xover PLUS the speaker's internal xover??? Care to elaborate?thanks. 
Drew - thanks for your very informative responses. At the risk of hijacking Stanwal's thread, let me ask a related question: If one wants to remove the low bass from the main speakers (which in my case has the woofer crossed over at 80Hz) and send... 
Bidat vs. Perfecwave MSB Playback Design
You might also wish to consider Berkeley Audio Design's "Alpha DAC" which plays high res formats too. of all it's 'only' US$5,000 which I think is quite a savings over the Playback Desgin and li... 
How to tell if Acoustic Treatment is Needed?
Ken in Calgary - it's Kevin in Toronto here.Some more thoughts for you:(1) Get your hearing tested. Men, moreso than women, and especially after 50, lose our hearing quicker. Best to know if or at what frequencies you may be challenged by. If it's... 
EMMS Labs CDSA vs. AA Capitole Reference SE
Zenieth - have you listened to the EMM product yet and compared it to your Audio Aero Capitole Reference SE? If so I'd be interested in reading about your impressions.When I spoke with the North American importer, he said that one of his dealers s... 
Using CD player without Preamp?
Tduffy1,I'm in the same situation you are - driving an amp directly from a CD player. In my experience only, I have compared the CD->AMP Vs CD->PRE->AMP combinations within my system using an Audio Aero Capitole MKII SE CD player, First S... 
Anyone have an opinion on the JL Gotham sub?
Brent,I've seen Gotham advertisements now (Stereophile, TAS) so presumably your pre-order of it will be filled shortly. Please let us know what you think of it when you receive it.thanks,kevin 
Best stand mounted monitors
Hi All,Thanks for your recent additions to this old thread. In the meantime I bought the Model 1 from FAB Audio which is a floor standing speaker, built a dedicated 'soundproof' music room in a new home and did some other system changes (amp + CDP... 
High End Integrated Choices
also check out Unison Research and Pathos both from Italy . . . 
Great sounding close to back wall speakers.
Have you checking into the Allison speakers which are designed go into corners and against a wall literally. One of their models was reviewed in TAS last year I believe. 
Thinking of adding a subwoofer -- my learnings
Thanks everyone for your comments.* A retailer told me that connecting the sub using high-level speaker connections from the amp wouldn't be a good thing given my 6watt/ch. SET amp so line-level connections from my preamp are a must - something I ... 
Thinking of adding a subwoofer -- my learnings
Good post Jameswei but no I haven't come across research related to interference/cancellation with dual subs. 
fab audio model one vs. coincident total victories
Gmilan - you need to contact Gliderguider as he owns both models! He'll give you the straight goods. By the way I own the FAB Audio Model 1 speakers and think very highly of them - very natural and brutally transparent of all upstream components. ...