
Discussions klipschking has started

Totem Acoustic Element Metal: The WOW factor!199713
Polycarbonate Disc Bliss: The CD is alive and well 130042
Another superb CD Player/DAC; Lyngdorf CD1 13082
Cartridge repair; re-tipping; canitlever replacement: The Needle Clinic A++628734
Pass Labs XA30.5: In praise of Class A magic!450418
Focal 1037BE; All-Rounders Extraordinaire!179115
Small room; Audio Physic Scorpio or WB Trinity??33729
Audiophile Boston pressing?588216
Cambridge Audio Azur 840C; reliable mods??21731
A Must Hear under $5,0001062120
Review: Dynaudio Excite x36 Speaker79373
CD Rom drive/laser assembly for Cary Audio??15912
Review: AAD Loudspeakers 2003 Speaker48481
Phil Jones' AAD 2003; any information?37467
Captive turntable interconnects; should I modify??567214