
Responses from kuribo

Who tried Class D only to return to S/S or Tube
I have answered your question already. Reread above... 
Who tried Class D only to return to S/S or Tube
Have you heard an Ncore, Pascal, or Abletech based amp? I have. They have all been reviewed very positively with no complaints about switching frequency artifacts. Perhaps future products will operate at high switching frequencies, but that is no ... 
Who tried Class D only to return to S/S or Tube
2nd generation is already here. Ableteck, Pascal and Hypex are all making 2nd generation class d amps that are competitive with nearly anything ss or tube based at less than ridiculous prices.There is no issue with the switching frequency nor the ... 
Who tried Class D only to return to S/S or Tube
I think it comes down to the simple reality that audiophiles are in general a very insecure group. Many like to think that whatever components they have are "the best" and will go to great lengths to put down the choices of others in a senseless a... 
Who tried Class D only to return to S/S or Tube
Firstly, let’s get a major misconception out of the way: class d amps are not digital, they are analogue.  And not all class d amps have square wave performance as shown above, though listening to square waves doesn't seem too common...Hard to pla... 
The Hifi Trajectory Of Class D Amplifiers
The premise that class d amps haven't "arrived" is flawed. Many people love them, in fact many have dumped their Pass, Bryston, ARC, etc. amps in favor of class d. All one needs to do is read through the various Hypex class d threads all over the ... 
"Quote form Audiovisjon: "Though I build the hypex Ncore amps in Norway I have to admit the Anaview´s modules from Amphion is a better match. They somehow bring out a level of resolution and focus that is even more impressive. I would not hesitate... 
You might want to review this very thread wherein both an Anaview employee and Dennis Deacon are quoted as saying that their is no material difference in sound between the old and new Anaview....Hypex has said repeatedly that there is no material ... 
According to Anaview, and a manufacturer who markets an Anaview based amp, the new module doesn't sound any different than the old one. The old one has been compared to ncore and found lacking by many. There are a few comparisons of the new module... 
And you seem to like to present rather narrow, limited, subjective, anecdotal information of little use or value to those concerned with actual class d amp performance. 
Yes, he prefers the the anaview when used with a certain speaker. He makes no direct, general comparison between ncore and anaview. 
"marginalize and denigrate Merrill and his Taranis amp"? Not in the least.... 
Maybe you should take your own advice and stay on the roof so as to not be bothered by all this sillyness.... 
Do you know if Teranis rating is dynamic or continuous? NAD delivers 350W/8 dynamic. That's not much different than the 400W/8 quoted by Merrill. The nc1200 puts out 650W/4 yet the Taranis is quoted at 600W/4. If it is based on the nc1200, why not... 
HIFiAl, you need to come to grips with the definition of subjective and how it related to audio. Again, just because you, your buddies, or half the people at the mall prefer the sound of an amp, doesn't mean it is objectively better. The only way ...