
Discussions lg1 has started

Solid platforms or speaker stands for JBL L65s?2284
Novice Digital (wired) Question(s)3129
Time to look at newer speakers?97315
Massive import of AIFF to iTunes?14931
Smaller House/Equidistant Side Walls Impossible11782
Audio Equipment Recommendation App?6640
Audiophile Speakers with 25 yr + Longevity703722
Apple to Windows...Questions23815
Internet Radio Streams Sputter/Quit...95863
I Haven't Seen These In Years...31775
iMac Speakers: Good Enough For Monitoring?19353
Lower Powered Tube Integrated for Studio/Shop?12721
SS or Tube Amp for Sawdust Environment?112078
Monitors for Fatman 13 w/ch Integrated11711