
Responses from liketolisten

Help with uninspiring sound with my turntable.
Thanks again for the responses. As far as my anti-skate - it is a wire with a weight. where the wire attaches to the tone arm can be moved to different groves to change the effect, but I have no idea how to tell how much counter force each grove r... 
Help with uninspiring sound with my turntable.
Thank you for the suggestions, my pre-amp does have MM and a MC input and I have set the impedance loading at 100ohms (per sumiko)and I am using the MC input. My cartridge is close to level not up in the back, so I think my VTA is Close. What alig... 
Help with upgrading speaker cables
I called The Cable Company - who will consult with you and send you the cables to try in your system for 2 weeks, you give a 5% deposit that gets credited to a purchase. I can't believe how much difference Mit s1 bi-wire made in my system over my ... 
Anyone own a Monster AVS 2000 ?
Hi, My avs2000 fluctuates +/- 2 to 3 tenths of a volt on the output when the line voltage fluctuates -8 to +3 volts. The noises the unit makes are the servo switches changing taps on the transformer to stabilize the output voltage. The third displ... 
can I get some opinions - bass on magnepan mg20.1
Thank you all for your ideas. I believe the 20.1's need to break in more, Mye stands seem like they might help. I will try out different room placements and equipment combos. I would LOVE to biamp these. Again, thanks for taking the time to post y... 
Help with Ohms and Bi-Amping...
You should have no problem with the Denon driving your Monitor audio speakers in that configuration. 
How good is the Marantz SA-7S1?
I ordered one last week. They are backordered currently at Marantz. It should ship in 1-2 weeks, and I will post my impressions. I am listening to a Mcintosh demo mcd201,(mcd301 is the new replacement from Mcintosh), Wow, it sounds good. Really wa... 
Macintosh vs Pass labs
Could the reason for higher Mac resale be due to higher sales volume compared to Pass? I recently purchased a Mac Mc402 for my system - I cant believe how great my system sounds, I find myself listening to all my music collection and enjoying list...