
Responses from mabonn

Having problem with Logitech Squeezebox Touch switching libraries
Seems to be working now.  Not sure what I did.  I think it may have been resetting the network settings, or maybe the library was updating.  Hopefully it will keep working. Thanks for your suggestions . 
Having problem with Logitech Squeezebox Touch switching libraries
Thanks bondmanp.Forgive me, but I am not all that computer literate.  What is GUI, and where do I find the IP address on my SBT??Matt 
Having problem with Logitech Squeezebox Touch switching libraries
Thanks bondmanp.Forgive me, but I am not all that computer literate.  What is GUI, and where do I find the IP address on my SBT??Matt 
ARC VT100MK2 substitute
If he likes the tube sound with much less hassle than a VT 100 Mk II, I repeat my recommendation of the PrimaLuna gear. 
ARC VT100MK2 substitute
If he likes the tube sound with much less hassle than a VT 100 Mk II, I repeat my recommendation of the PrimaLuna gear. 
ARC VT100MK2 substitute
I also had an LS-15 and a VT-100 Mk II.I replaced the pair with a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Integrated.  MUCH easier to live with.  Zero regrets!! 
Your favorite recent discovery
Tidal music streaming service. 
Sub-Woofers how to power down
I leave my sub on all the time. It has a Class D amplifier that consumes very little power. I turn it off when I go away on vacation. 
Need recommendation for center channel speaker
Sounds like excellent advice. Thanks. !!! 
Need recommendation for center channel speaker
LF and RF are PSB 400. 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Fleeywood Mac in April. 
What are used tubes worth ?
Thanks again Rodman99999, I will check those guys out. 
What are used tubes worth ?
Thanks Rodman99999. I will contact tctubes to inquire about testing.Does anybody know anyone in the San Diego area who can test them? 
What are used tubes worth ?
Thanks for your responses. My guess it's worth a few bucks to advertise them. 
What are used tubes worth ?
It is a Mk II amplifier. The hours do sound low. I used the amp only a few hours per month. What can I say, I was busy with career and raising 3 kids, so I had very little time to listen to it. Anyway, I sold the amp, but still have these tubes.