
Responses from mamifero76

High Ceiling Room Treatment Help
Thanks all for the advice, sorry the link did not work 
Tips for warming up Rotel + B&W system?
I had a RB 1050 with the RC 1070 and a NAD C525Bee driving a pair of B&W 705 and they did sound bright to me, however with wall treatment and feet tweaks the sound improved greatly. Trust me you will get rid off that harshness and gain more de... 
Rotel RCD-1520 or 1072?
I have owned few cd players like the new Marantz CD5004 ( Liked the almost no distortion, sweet highs and nice bass )and the NAD C525Bee ( Liked the midrange on this one )but the RCD 1072 is the best so far, it has detail, nice balanced sound and ... 
Budget single disc player-under $600
I am looking for the same, I want to remplace my NAD C525Bee. Nothing wrong with the player, very good for the money but wish to find something better out there, my main goal is to find a player that puts this analog touch to music, i know some mi... 
Best BluRay Concerts
queen concert in canada, i have not tried the lossless audio format but the image quality is very good. I t was shot on film and they did a great job on the trasfering 
SACD's to avoid due to poor remastering.
totally agree, there is a lot of bad recordings on formats that are capable of much more. For example there is so many bad trasfers on blu ray movies. It all starts with the type of lenses,type of film, camera, camera settings, lighting, transfer ... 
Review: Sony SCD-XA5400ES CD Player
...I was wondering if the tray design and mechanism like the one found on the scd 1 and x777 makes these old cd players sound better in any way or now is more about the d/a and processors?Thank you 
Looking for Vintage Gear to photograph
Thank you for the information, I hope someone will be interested.happy holidays