
Responses from maxxc

Reference 3a vrs Focus Audio
Yes, as Phil pointed out the 688s really benefit from high power. I found it interesting though that a gentleman I corresponded with was driving the 688's in a 18x21 room with a 30wpc Audiomat tube amp with no complaints.I know in my own room 12x1... 
Any sonic benefits of bi-wiring speakers ?
I think Dalton has a great idea. Get some cheap wiring and try it both ways and see if you like the effect. You also still may be able to find some of that cheap Radio Shack solid copper wire that comes in 50ft rolls. Thats what I used to experime... 
Any sonic benefits of bi-wiring speakers ?
There is no set rule on wether biwiring will be sonically beneficial. If Biwiring sounds better to the listners ear, its beneficial. If another listener likes the way it sounds better single wired its not benefical.You won't really know the overal... 
Can tube amps play loudly?
I guess you are refering to step attenuators. My amp adjusts from 0-99. One click at a time. The db is a scale of scientific measurements just like the weather or how we are able to determine what Hz a instrument is capable of playing. Simple as I... 
Can tube amps play loudly?
Hi Rockvirgo. No thats not exactly what I meant. Yes a speaker that plays at 86bd with 1 watt will require 2 watts to play at 89db and 4 watts to play at 92db. This of course does not take impedance and other factors into consideration and is a ge... 
$1200 vs $200 cd players
Yes the website is: It is in Chinese but you can go to and get the site translated. The information though is rather difficult to ascertain.I found more information by going to many different sources a... 
Can tube amps play loudly?
I've owned both tube and SS amps. I think the Cayin is in the 30-35 wpc range. As some others have mentioned; GENERALLY a 30wpc tube amp as opposed to a 30wpc SS amp will play louder. They both only have 30wpc,no getting around this. But the way a... 
$1200 vs $200 cd players
My experience was much different. I replaced a $350 Cambridge Audio CD player with a $1000 Eastsound player.I wasn't sure what to expect. Had already upgraded speakers, amp and wires. CD player was the last component upgrade.The difference was sub... 
Anyone compare Conrad Premier to Rogue?
Yioyos. I wasn't sure where they were getting the CJ is superior either. Relooked at the question though and she is asking about upgrading form a specific system. A $3500 Rogue system to a $12500 CJ system. Not rather CJ is superior to Rogue.So yo... 
Shang Ya ShangYa speakers - any good?
Tought to say. I have Chinese amp, CDP and stands in my main system. And you do generally get something that will perform with items costing 3-4X the cost.However the same does not hold true with Chinese speakers. Some offer terrific value some on... 
help narrowing down my list of speakers, $2500
Jamie thanks for the kind words. What do you have to listen to besides the B&W? Near any big city you could hit and do some weekend auditions.I know the more I looked the more my list grew. All and I do mean all seemed to have their fans and c... 
help narrowing down my list of speakers, $2500
Jamie if you haven't already done so you might want to go to Do a keyword search and you will find many, many professional reviews of the speakers on your list.Also you might want to check out These are reviews fro... 
help narrowing down my list of speakers, $2500
Yep, Boa2 wasn' sure about the Silverlines. I know I had the SR17's at the top of my list when looking for a bookshelf. If I hadn't got such a good deal on the FS688's I'd probably have the SR17's now.I know the SR17s can do Bach or Rock. The name... 
Which is better, Jolida or Cayin?
True Audiogons search engine only looks for keywords in the title. However the Audio Asylum's search engine is completely different. It looks for references in text. Type in Silverline, Cary or Kavent and if the word is ANYWHERE in the text it app... 
Which is better, Jolida or Cayin?
I don't know where you've heard "lots of negative quality reports on the past couple of years."I don't own any Kavent, but did some correspondence with them earlier this year, so I am familiar with the company. I Checked for the validi...