
Responses from mikapen

Speakers with the most detailed midrange? (non-ESL/planar)
First-order crossovers is a good start. (Less phase shift.) Dynaudio does a nice job with their midrange drivers, and use first-order.Another thing that drew me to Dyns is their dynamic sound at low levels. You don't need to crank them up to hear ... 
What is this speaker doing right?
I haven't heard your Wharfedales, so I don't have a comment.However, despite their oft-repeated phase alignment claims, I hear significant phase shift distortion from the KEF's.Results in discomfort, listener fatigue, and desire to turn them down.... 
A way to listen to a large collection
redchaser, I agree with listening to the entire album. There is a story, or a message, or a feeling there. The artist and producer spent a lot of time constructing that album. It's fun to get in their minds.Also, individual sides may sound like cl... 
Audio as a weapon
Well, I just can't pontificate as well as some, and I'm glad not to be so caught up in such. To the OP, there are lots of ways that sonic stuff can affect humans. It's only "news" on a slow news day.  
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Dave and Troy at Audio Doktor,Thanks for showing us just how painful it would be to shop your store. Disrespectful of other's ears and experience - please keep it to yourself. Thanks. 
Apt-Holman pre-amp
Still hard to beat for accuracy and neutrality. Phono stage still among the best. Tracking excellent. Distortion at limits of detectability, even after 35 years in service driving everything from Citation II to Macs to Parasound and many others th... 
Has Rel fallen out of favor with audiophiles?
I agree with this recent review of the REL T9ihttps://2y2ro62wfbas3svllg2i0s1t-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/HIFI-142-Awards_...   They certainly haven't fallen out of favor. 
Has Rel fallen out of favor with audiophiles?
Using a pair of T9i RELs, connected via their high level Neutrik cabling. Corner placement per REL instruction.These are the first subs I have auditioned that I can actually stand to listen to because they integrate so seamlessly with my Dynaudio ... 
Evaluating a system - what do you listen for?
I listen for phase shift distortion. The fewer crossovers, the less chance of that distortion. The faster the crossover slope, the more crossover distortion - phase shift.6 dB/octave (first order) will introduce far less phase shift than 18 dB/oct... 
What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz?
I was just going to mention room gain. It will be 3 - 10 db/octave, depending on a variety of things. The posts about relying only on anechoic measurements are fine, but they don't translate directly into what you hear in your room.My REL pair of ... 
Random thoughts from a sort of, kind of audiophile
Broadstone, I also experimented with the Sweet 16, and built many Heath, Dyna, and Harman Kardon kits. Long time ago, wasn't it?Yes, my hearing is different at 71 than back then. But the difference is mostly frequency related. In my hearing, hig... 
Standmount speakers 4k-8k
Dynaudio has gone through almost their entire lineup in the past year or two, and are producing some very nice speakers. At all price points. New materials have made their way into all parts. There is a lot of trickle down of components. The resul... 
Vinyl and subwoofers
The original description was "vinyl sounds muddied." While all the comments about setup, amps, etc. may have merit, the fact that it appears only on vinyl means - well, it must be associated with vinyl playback.Two possibilities: Acoustic feedback... 
Help, my system sounds lifeless!
"Wave suppression and cancellation" applies more to the lower frequencies, which aren't generally associated with "Liveliness."He's not complaining about dropouts - he's looking for more highs and maybe presence. Unless you are adding reflective s... 
From a Close Minded Audiophile--Sumiko S5 Subwoofer Helps
I have 2 REL t9's (very similar to your Sumiko but bigger) and they are the first subs that i can stand. Others seem strangely disjoint from the music. (I an disregarding the 1 note wonders that people crank to show that "I have a Subwoofer!")I t...