

Responses from mikech

REVIEW: Salk Sound Veracity HT3
If your HT3s sounded better than the Orions you auditioned there was something not quite right with the setup. The Orions sonic performance will dwarf that of the Salks. Dennis Murphy, the amateur DIY speaker builder who designed the HT3 crossover... 
Seeking feedback on Swan, Paradigm and Triangle
I currently have a set of Swans M1's in my room. They're not quite broken-in yet but sound pretty nice. They do need to be used with a subwoofer as they're only good to 60Hz or so. Although quite inefficient, they sound very lively when used with ... 
How do Newforms sound?
In one word, bad. Demo’d them and could not find many redeeming qualities. They went back to Newform under their 30-day exchange program. Want more? E-mail me directly. 
Seeking advice from Maggie owners
My listening room is nearly the same dimensions as yours and the results with my 1.6QR's was absolutely wonderful! You may need to damp your rear wall but you should be able to achieve excellent results. Good luck!  
sonic frontiers line 2 owners
My Line 2 has none of the problems you mentioned. I'd either swap out the tubes or return it to your dealer. I did have one tube blow shortly after receiving my unit but that wasn't the fault of the preamp. It's been working fine ever since. 
GR Research
There's an active thread w/review over at AA from someone who just bought them.http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/speakers/messages/58019.html 
Best Phono stage under $1200? Audiomat?
At less than $650 new, this one is quite nice. 
Step-up transformer vs Head Amp vs phono
Edle, I purchased them directly from Jensen. There are two versions (depending on the source impedance of your cartridge). I housed mine in an aluminum Pomona box. Sonically, they're very transparent. See a photo here. 
Step-up transformer vs Head Amp vs phono
The phono stage in your SP-8 is as good or better than most sub-$1k outboard units. I'd recommend using a set of high-quality Jensen transformers. 
Best Phono Pre-amp..for the money?
>He claims his new Omegastar phono preamp ($485) outperforms Klyne preamps.Is he the same guy who authored this letter that's on his website? Reading it was good for a few laughs! 
LP12/Valhalla/Ittok would be my choice. 
Tube Amplifiers?
Sounds like you've overlooked the obvious choice: MR RM200. True balanced design & will work well with your BAT. Plenty of power. Not "tubey" sounding. Great amp! 
PS Audio PP300 works great, but......
Rkelly - Confused how you were "underwhelmed" by the P300 yet find the P600 "a whole different story". Within the operating range of the P300, the sonic effects of a powerplant on a system are identical. Yes, Multiwave will make an improvement and... 
PS Audio PP300 works great, but......
Rcprince - Not only do I run my BAT VK-3i off my P300, I also run my DAC, transport, turntable, tube phono stage and RM200 amp off of it! I seriously doubt that the VK-5i draws more current than all of what I'm running. I would recommend you have ... 
Best Power Conditioner
PS Audip Power Plant is the only thing to consider IMO. Backed-up by a 100% money-back guarantee, you can't go wrong by trying one in your system. Best investment that I've made in my hifi.