
Responses from mjmch2003

Bitstream of PCM on my DVD player
Thank you. 
PS Audio DL3 signal input querstion
Bitstream of PCM on my DVD player
If I am running digital coax out of my DVD player into a DAC (PS DL3), do I want PCM or Bitstream set on my DVD player? 
Albums on Bluray ???
Very cool, thank you. I have a Panasonic BD85, set it to output 96khz audio. Sounds like that likely does not make a dif, tho, since the PS DAC3 won't accept the 96khz signal... 
Nordost Frey vs Audience Au24e interconnect
Let us know how it shakes out. I'm psyched to hear your thoughts...! Maybe I'll try too. 
Nordost Frey vs Audience Au24e interconnect
On the Frey, I beg to differ on this "brightness" thing. What I notice, after break-in, is a lot of slam, dynamics, low end, and smooth highs. I run the Frey XLR's. All that definition that Bjesien mentioned is in there. Maybe people who were list... 
Nordost Frey vs Audience Au24e interconnect
Interesting, I'll be interested to read how this shakes out. 
Ayre XK-R vs Pass Lab XP-20?
No offence taken, I really appreciate the feedback. Thank you. I'll call Ayre tomorrow. Any and all additional tips/tweaks are also appreciates. 
Nordost Frey vs Audience Au24e interconnect
Oops, I see you are running AU24 cable also. Hmm..I wonder if we're both on to something ?!!? 
Nordost Frey vs Audience Au24e interconnect
I run 'em both. Frey XLR IC's DAC/Pre and Pre/Amp; AU24 Speaker cable from the amp...Let me know what you discover if you make the change. I've wondered what would happen, myself. I heave been fearing a loss of body and precision...odd as that see... 
Ayre XK-R vs Pass Lab XP-20?
I have a Pass X150.5 paired up with an Ayre Pre...it's a nice combo. Does not have the weight of my Cary, pre, though, but that could also be "fixed" with different speakers. 
New Apple TV -- Anyone planning on it?
Size wise, is Wav any bigger/smaller than Apple lossless?? 
Music that really stirs your emotions
Surprised that Peter Gabriel, "Us" is not on here yet. DENSE listening... 
Streaming iTunes
Thank you. 
Streaming iTunes
I'm saving and playing back in Apple Lossless. That ok? Also, will I notice a sound difference with 802.11n ?