

Responses from ml8764ag

Neil Young Trademarks New Audio Format
Very entrepreneurial for being so against "the establishment." Keep on rockin' in the free world. ..indeed. 
Have you ever spoken with a designer or audio engineer
Indeed....I am definitely seeing a trend with your posts, taters...you seem ...well...very bitter. 
Bidding Frustration
Imo....In this day and age 48 hours is way too long...  I learned something though....that counter offer freezes the seller?  I won't be doing any more counteroffers! 
Mac Music Software Frustration
I just moved from Pure Music to jriver...very pleased. I tried all the others.  I really disliked audiavana...very clunky...and somehow harsher.   I know this is heretical for this site...but I actually like the subtle surround settind....and the ... 
New format, dislike.....
I always thought the moderation thing was because I was on some 'watch list' or something even though my posts have been fairly tame.  Really killed desire to use it.  I always would worry that by the time my comment was posted, there would be 10 ... 
Try listing as local sale/pickup only...that's how I sold mine. Unless you live in the desert...there's likely someone within driving distance that might be interested. 
Looking for integrated better than my Rogue Sphinx
Have you thought about the Rogue Pharaoh? It has more power, great sound, and a great phono. I have heard the Pharoah but not the Sphinx, but from all accounts I've heard and read, a higher quality, better integrated. 
VTA for a Dynavector 20X2L
Cleeds: instead of being passive aggressive�you could have expounded upon my comment. He asked about vta�am I to assume he has no other knowledge of tuntables? Should I also tell him how to counterbalance an arm. He asked about vta, not azimuth et... 
VTA for a Dynavector 20X2L
Just get tonearm as close to parallel (with stylus on record) and you've nothing to worry about. 
Your Best Tweak Lately
Bojack: How incredibly rude. This is a forum...and, as such, you may not be interested in certain topics or agree with their content. But, why would you go out of your way to post something like that (rhetorical, I'm pretty sure I already know) 
"Cart Tracks Well" What do people mean?
Mapman, Thank you so much for your thoughtful and thorough response! 
Speaker cable suggestions
He thinks it's a humorous play on the use of 'Townsend'....as in Peter Townsend...Peter was known for breaking guitars....it's a big big stretch...without a payoff 
Audiophile Newbie pt. 4 - Phono
You must mean that's a tough one? 
Audiophile Newbie pt. 4 - Phono
Go ahead and point out my spelling error...you know you want to... ; ) 
Audiophile Newbie pt. 4 - Phono
We really shouldn't belittle or discourage people from asking questions...that's the purpose of a forum. If you don't like it or for some reason think it's not worth your time...move on! It's these type of responses that kill open discussion. Kind...