
Responses from murataltuev

Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Chadeffect, I agree with you 100%!Vibration control/clean electricity and good cabling is the key!I also was very unhappy when first listen to dCS with stock power cords, without any vibration control which is very critical especially for transpor... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
dCS is great DAC, but I always feel that vinyl is more real.And I think it is because better resolution and dynamic.I know that technically dynamic means the speed of changing volume.So, with higher speed, you have more real picture.And higher res... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Kennyt, may be we have different understanding of dynamic.I agree with Rtn1, that may be vinyl sometimes is too dynamic.I have this effect, but hope to fix it by changing tonearm cable.Rtn1, I heard so much about Troy and someday definately will h... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Kennyt, you never heard good vinyl rig?I never before heard any digital sounded close to vinyl.Only because I have vinyl I know that must be better DAC.I bought many of best DACs and selling them not easy.Do you think I'm spending money for nothin... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Beautiful is good word for girl, not for DAC:)Do you mean it sounds better than enything you heard before? 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Rtn1, I agree that cables and stands are critically important for the great result. I'm also experimenting much with them.As for the DAC, I have vinyl setup and never was really happy with digital.Even with dCS Scarlatti, vinyl was much more dynam... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Kamil, what power chord and antivibration platform you use?I also have great impact to the sound from this 2 things. 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Rtn1, do you say that Wadia 9 is not the best DAC?I'll love to hear it once. Unfortunately dealer in Russia doesn't have it.I feel difference very much! And this difference is in resolution of the whole system! And with higher resolution and right... 
Tidal Amea Diacera fantastic speakers
Someone to whom I trust very much has this speakers and says that it is even better than 3-way Tidals. Of course bass is not as good, but all the rest is perfect! 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Yes, for my ears and in my system AA DAC is also impossible to listen.Emmlabs DAC2 is much better, but not TSD1 transport.I had in my system many DACs and still looking for better.I still own now Berkeley, Linn Klimax and dCS Scrlatti.Today my new... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Rainer, August is ok for me!Let us know the date as soon as it will be possible. 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
One week without GTE listening to my Scarlatti and now I think that Scarlatti is muddy in compare.3 rest to compare: Vekian, Wadia 922 and APL 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Kamil, where it is available for audition? 
Argento cables - any experience?
Schwinnindia, very interesting!I'm very intriqued by Bertram.Tell us more! 
Tonearm cable cost no object
Now I understand. I had Emotion in my system and they was muddy in compare with Elation.I think Elation is very close sonically to Indra, but a bit more resolving in highs. So, looks like I prefer Stealth Hyperphono.In general I think that resolut...