
Responses from nmmusicman

Mahogany Rush
A bit of trivia here; How did Frank come up with the name of Mahogany Rush? BTW, Juggernaut is all killer, no filler. Love the guitar/solo on "Ditch Queen"... 
EAR 834p mods - specific mods, specific sounds?
The least evasive but offers the most ROI is tube rolling. Remember that V2 is the RIAA section so care should be taken with this tube. The tube heaters are wired in parallel so keep that in mind as well.  
Infinity Epsilon
This might help as it talks about the servo woofer amp requirements/setup.https://www.stereophile.com/floorloudspeakers/infinity_irs_epsilon_loudspeaker/index.html 
Vandersteen 5a vs Genesis 5.3 ?
hifiman5 - In a word, no. I used the Genesis as a reference for tuning the bass on the Vandersteens so in essence they are the same or as close as can be obtained. That is where the damping controls on the Vandersteens are invaluable. 
Vandersteen 5a vs Genesis 5.3 ?
I have a pair of Genesis 500's and Vandersteen Quatros. Both are very good at exploiting their design philosophies. The Genesis are only a hand full of speakers that their character does not change with vertical listening height plus the servo woo... 
What is your speaker ownership history since 1995?
Not as long a list as others but let’s see if I can remember them all:12" Stevens Trusonics fullrange drivers Fried Beta Signatures with M&K subThe Fried Subwoofer Vandersteen 1BMartin Logan AriesAlon 1 (2x)Alon Lotus SE mkllCabasse Ferella 40... 
(Fun music)
Pretty much anything by Webb Wilder but "Doo Dad" is great fun all the way thru.Anything by The Tubes, "Completion backward principal" is a blast - "Sushi Girl" is a fun ride all by itself :) 
Dedicated lines in ABQ
Yes I know an electrician that does them. Need to find his business card and will post back when I do. 
Do female audiophiles exist
My ex was an audiophile although I don’t think she continued after we separated. She was one that would listen to a song 5-10 times to dial in VTA/azimuth with me and comment on the results with surprising details and accuracy. She expressed inter... 
VPI Prime 3D arm making noise
Had a very similar thing happen with my original Scout/9" tonearm. Turned out to be that the male pivot bearing tip was bent and as such was not sitting in the female bearing like it should. Tried to straighten it but was not successful. Ended up ... 
Easy free tweak -- dealing with RFI/EMI -- try it and see?
I just opened the door on my breaker panel that is in the garage and I did hear difference especially in the separation of the highs/cymbals but also a slightly wider soundstage. Very interesting as all the unused outlets in the system/listening r... 
When and what was your last significant equipment upgrade?
Today - Finally received my VPI 9" 3D tonearm for my Scout. With just a few hours on the clock, the sound is vastly improved over either the 9T or the 9" Signature tonearms and I can use my Lyra Kleos once again as it did not mate well with either... 
Has anyone considered rebuying a speaker you once owned??
I did just that with a pair of Alon 1's. Sold my original pair to a friend and upgraded to the Alon Lotus SE mk ll. Missed the Alon 1's so much bought a used pair and sadly they sit in storage as I have no room for them. My original pair sound ama... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Pass Labs Alpha 3 for me. I've used it with many a speaker and even bridged for a subwoofer amp at one point but it always is extremely musical, detailed, coherent and built to outlast the owner(s).Right now I'm using it with Vandersteen Quatro Wo... 
A recent holy sh*t moment- RF interference solved
+1 to what Geoff said, especially those appliances that are always on. I noticed a subtle improvement in my HT by putting a ferrite snap-on on my microwave power cord and on my kitchen fridge as well.