
Responses from oahuan

Kuzma Reference turntable
I cannot answer your question directly because I use the Kuzma Airline, but I can say that achieving good results using different tonearms on the Kuzma Reference table is a matter of using (finding) an armboard which positions the arm at the prope... 
Anybody hear the new Gallo Reference 3 speakers???
I heard Gallo's demonstration of these speakers at CES and was very impressed. For a moderately high level all in one (two channel and HT) system, these would be an excellent choice. Competent audio only speakers which play big and smooth, if not ... 
First Sound Presence Deluxe - Mk. 2 Owners
I have a Paramount like Nick T. and use 2 BMI Whale Statements which I had cryoed, even though Brian Introcaso doubted that the cryoing would do any good. These have been the best I have used on my First Sound Preamp (even besting the Elrod Signat... 
Diapason Adamantes II and III good speakers or no
I haven't heard the Adamantes IIIs, which are supposed to be noticeably better than the IIs, but the IIs are very pleasing speakers indeed!!! Not the speakers for critical evaluation of material, but excellent speakers for just enjoying music. Put... 
Review: Argent/Rosinante Audio Brujo and Brujo HC Power cord
To Khaki8:I understand your point about putting the opinions expressed in my review in better perspective by "naming names", and I did fret about that as I wrote and then submitted the review, especially since Audiogon recommends that reviewers li... 
Favourite Guitar CDs
Although it is not strictly guitar, look for "Tone Poems II" by David Grisman (plays mostly mandolin) and Martin Taylor. This is a demonstration quality disk, which it was intended to be, and it will amuse and astonish you (with its sonics), unles... 
If you were to carry a tube product line?
Art AudioThe Berning gear is terrific as the others have stated but David Berning is a one man show with a very limited number of products. Cosmetics may also be a problem (although it shoudn't be).On the other hand, Art Audio has a reasonably bro... 
I agree with Natalie. I have yet to hear an unmodified Sony SACD player that has sounded any better than mediocre on redbook CD. There is something amiss with either Sony's DAC and/or output stage. This will draw jeers from all you Sony fans out t... 
Review: Argent Room Lens - Ric Cummins Cables Speaker cable
I was there for the audition(s) of these cables made by Ric Cummins and concur completely with the comments of the reviewer, Hawaiikid (my friend, obviously). Actually, I also tried a pair of the interconnects in my system between my CD player and... 
The Groove Phono Pre-Amp
I've had one of these for about a year and a half. It is extremely quiet, very dynamic, and has lots of gain for even very low output MC cartridges. It would be unfair of me to compare it to other phono stages with which I have only passing famili... 
I'm still working to love digital, are you?
Although I find myself sharing Eric's views in the digital/analog comparison debate, I'm not trying to learn to "love digital." I'm hoping that I can improve my digital playback equipment so that someday it will bring me as much pleasure as my ana... 
Male Jazz singers - any recommendations?
John Pizzarelli - does the classic pop songs (has an entire album devoted to Nat King Cole) - simple, smooth and enjoyableJohn Feinstein - classic broadway musical stuff and the like - the real "classics" elegantly done.Les McCann - earthy, jazzy ... 
What about Bybee Filters?
I have both the Bybee speaker filters and the IC filters. The IC filters are on the lines from both my digital (CD player) and analog (phono preamp) sources to my linestage at the linestage inputs, and are also on the lines running from my linesta... 
35Hz - 25kHz -- A Partial 'Purist'?
I'm with you Stehno. If you enjoy music in which low bass content reproduced in proper scale and dynamic balance with the rest of the music's content is important, I think it is better to have the bass and put up with a some discontinuity than to ... 
Metronome Labs: can I get at least one post
I used to own a Metronome CD-1V which I bought as a demo. It is the tubed output version of Metronome's basic, one-box, 20 bit chip player. Get one for somewhere in the vicinity of $1100 (quite a bit more if you get a 24/96 version), and you will ...