

Responses from owl

B&W PM1 with JL sub or 805D?
Yah, an online reviewer just compared the PM1's to the Focal Diablos directly and quite favorably. Probably one of the greatest bang for the buck speakers available. From B&W no less. I am toying with the idea of putting them in a largish home... 
Wilson Sophias and Jolida Integrated
hi current amps . the efficiency is only 87 or 89 db from my recollection of the I. Tubes and Wilson can sound great together but need power to get the big slam and image solidity you expect from Wilson. 
Amps for Maxx 2's
I tried dozens of amps with mine, from 18w Lamms to big SS amps. I can tell you they like power, lots and lots of power. But they also don't get really interesting without tubes. I ultimately settled on VTL 750 monoblocks as the best match. 
Two Jl Audio f113's or one f 212
with 2 113's you can find optimal placement flexibility within your room much better which is always going to have low frequency suckouts and nodes. Much superior than just one imo. With bass, you have to live with and work with the room. The flex... 
Have you been Shpongleized?
Just discovered Entheogenic on itunes genius when I was listening to Shpongle. If you like Shpongle, step up to the plate on this one. I've only downloaded Dialogue of the Speakers and it really is. If you like imaging, it's a hell of a conversati... 
Have you been Shpongleized?
HAH, huge fan, of the Shpongleland. Somehow it gets to my most played all the time music. Great imaging, energy. Never get tired of it. Just wish they'd make more. simon/rajaram are genius. 
Anybody notice DTS is hardly used anymore?
DTS MA walks all over Dolby True HD Lossles vs Lossless. Go figure. 
Weird issue with my VPI... please help
I would also suspect and look at tweaking the VTA. Does your arm allow for easy consistent adjustments there? The Shelter is a hell of a cartridge and should be fantastic if it's VTA is adjusted correctly and this can be done by ear. 
Kharma 3.2.2: which tube amp to use?
Have had the 3.2's with ML2 and it's plenty good, even with very loud technorave music, and to me the only amp I'd use with them. I did have a friend who had ML2's with them then dropped them for the ML1.1. I think the soundstage opened up a littl... 
Shindo VS Doshi
Samuel, yes they were all on my Wilson Maxx2 based system with a couple of different amps and front ends including ML2 Lamm's, some amps that Doshi rebuilds and I don't recall the others (there may have been a Shindo or two). Also had the Audio Re... 
Shindo VS Doshi
What are you looking for in particular? I've done the comparison and they certainly are 2 of the world's best. You need to hear them in your system at the same time to appreciate the differences. Most in the room at the time preferred the Doshi, I... 
Hooverphonic anyone?
If you like Hooverphonic, try Future Sound of London... Lifeforms is a good place to start. 
Center channel to match Wilson Audio Sophia's?
Another Sophia is the only answer if you really want a ctr to match. I've tried the Wilson center and have to say that if you REALLY want to do it right, there is NO substitute to getting another Sophia. Phantom is your next best bet. 
For those who "sold" Dynaudio Evidence speakers
Tomer had some nice rec's. To add more fuel to the fire, er I mean, to the list, I'd highly recommend that you listen to the Shindo speakers as well. They're at the same price point approximately as a new pair of temptations and may give you pause...