

Responses from parsons

Best 845 tube out there?
@t_ramey Will absolutely do as soon as they arrive.  They appear to have shipped per the Paypal email, but directly from China and there's no online trackability it seems.As for the recent luck of all of our posters here, that is frustrating on nu... 
Best 845 tube out there?
Thanks for the posts on the Shuguangs...sorry for both of your luck there...that's frustrating on both counts. 
Best 845 tube out there?
@t_ramey  Thanks to you too...please continue to keep in touch as it seems posting Melody 845 owners are few and far between.@charles1dad    A personal note of thanks for your general knowledge and approach to this "sport"...I find your posts in a... 
Best 845 tube out there?
@t_ramey Great question.  My honest answer? ...this thread, mostly.  I reread the whole thread again (I've probably read it through 3 times now over the last 6 months), and some folks whose opinions I trust from other topics seemed to get enjoymen... 
Best 845 tube out there?
@t_ramey Sorry, I totally missed your posted question to me a couple weeks back.I’m 98% sure that’s what I’m running, but my lettering is quite worn and is in white paint "845" with "made in China" below it--all white paint, with no printed brand,... 
Best 845 tube out there?
On topic, I've just ordered a pair of PSVane WE Replica 845s myself and will report back my thoughts. 
Best 845 tube out there?
Recognizing I'm drawing this off topic, can you let us know what OTL you've acquired, and what speakers you're driving, and any interesting comparisons on sound?  I'm on the same "journey," but like cars, I'm enjoying having multiple amps...doing ... 
Best 845 tube out there?
@t_ramey I’m running a Melody AN845 in a 3rd system...also very interested in findings of the best 845s for this amp. I have Thoress 845 monos that I’m running Elrogs in, and they are awesome and a clear upgrade from the Shuguang As and Bs in the ... 
Anyone receive their Zu Druid VIs yet?
Thanks, those last couple of pages of updates had eluded my search.  Sounds promising! 
What formats does the Yggdrasil DAC support?
Just got mine back, and it's playing 24-bit 44.1kHz and 96kHz WAV just fine through my UltraRendu using Roon.  I emailed with a number of folks at Schiit and they all claimed they were not aware of an issue while it was being upgraded.Perhaps they... 
845 tubes. New not old stock
I have Elrogs I bought about 4 months ago and I love them too, but they sound better in my Thoress mono blocks than they do in the Melody 845 integrated I also own.  Not bad in the Melody, but I think I actually prefer the regular 845a's in that--... 
What formats does the Yggdrasil DAC support?
That's disappointing...mine is in for the upgrade right now.  I wonder how I can confirm they're not shipping it to me with the bug?  I guess I'll ask. 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
Very interesting thread.  Value is so subjective, especially in this "sport" we've all chosen to indulge in.  And as stated, there are others that may be similar (cars, watches, homes, hell...friends and significant others if you really want to go... 
What makes you build a system around an amplifier?
Great discussion with some really nice points made.What I've found is, rather than anchor on a specific amp or speaker per se...for me it's turned into a particular sound-style and experience that I've "anchored" on.   Seems like others above are ... 
Help for an Old School Audiophile
BTW, if you have a computer that you can hook up to your integrated amps via RCA (through a headphone out jack for starters), or via USB to an external DAC for better sound, I agree with shadorne that a demo of Roon and Tidal together is a great f...