
Responses from pbraverman

Insane ground loop; anybody wanna try?
@xti16 Hell, sorry. That should be neutral/ground in #3 above. Anyway, it’s 124.5 in both spots. Also, the receptacle tester reports normal service in all three locations. 
Insane ground loop; anybody wanna try?
Oh, and @mcroth — thanks for the suggestion, but you're right, when the sub is totally unplugged the hum is diminished slightly, but still pretty audible from several feet. I appreciate your raising the idea! 
Insane ground loop; anybody wanna try?
Again, thanks to everybody for taking the time. Here are new data as of this morning:@cleeds I never think of my video stuff as a separate system, but it obviously is. I ran the preamp through a Meridian 551 integrated amp and then to a pair of To... 
Insane ground loop; anybody wanna try?
Great — again, indebted to all of you for taking the time. Please don't apologize for asking basic questions. I agree that it's easy to overlook something obvious and I take no offense. It also occurs to me that I never actually tested the outlets... 
Insane ground loop; anybody wanna try?
Thanks to both of you for trying. I haven't tried the preamp in another system because I don't have a second one, but I'll rig something up in another spot and report back. Good suggestion.No dimmers, LEDs, TVs on the same circuit.Dill: I inserted...