
Responses from pennsy

Directionality of wire
Geoffkait: Your response on my SACD post ( which I removed) had me laughing to the point tears were running down my face! Your dry humor I find amusing! Anyhow, as far as this post! Walter Wegrzyn cable co! He advertises on this site! Search HDMI ... 
Focal Aria 936 vs 926 bass response
Trick is blending a tower with a good sub! I recommend JL subs (e series) and focal aria line is excellent! You want bass go to the 948's! Typically you roll off at  80 hz! Why above the low of your towers! The decision often settled by affordabli... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
5k speaker cables should come with a tube of KY!!! 
Warm, rich sounding interconnects?
Cardas Clear are industry reference! Price is outrages! Get Cardas clear performance at 1/3 the price from Walter Wegrzyn Cable Co, Mesa Arizona! Custom cables! Silver core cables at very fair pricing! This guys cables blow the ... 
I need a new DAC! Advice/Recommendations?
Peachtree Dacs! Know a number of philes who swear their biggest bang for buck!  
Audioquest Niagara 5000 or 7000
Joesolek: thank you! Sorry it took so long to respond! You just saved me a chunk of money ! Nigeria 5000 is no longer a consideration! Oh, own a P5 PS Audio! It's a regenerator not conditioner! Some differences in sonic capabilities but biggest he... 
Audioquest Niagara 5000 or 7000
Joesek: On the fence on buying a Nigeria 5000. 4000.00 is a lot of money for " slight " improvement in sonic clarity! My question is if the 5000 were removed from your system equation, would you perceive a major reduction in performance! Whole lot... 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
Randy 11: Your opinion and your prose! I'm a associate professor and fail to follow your diction ! I will turn your rhetoric over to geoffkait and boxer 11! At least they can decider your enigmatic prose! Please refer to last two words! 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
Randy11: Please share with me YOUR  credentials that circumvent that of CNET!Corporations provide units at no cost for review because their opinion can drive sales! Not all reviewers are on the take! I tend to follow their advice! I hold multiple ... 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
Geoffkait: A large portion of electronics is personal taste! The power of the mind can move mountains! I bought a Pangea Amp power cord ( like 8 Guage ) and connected it to a Anthem amp! I noticed a change in sonic capabilities! My belief is the c... 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
Helomech: I'm tossing the ball in your court! I got thrown out for referencing a leading authority on high end! Hold down the fort! 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
Boxer12: I was advised my response was naughty! They removed it! I'm exiting stage right! Power away my friend! 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
This was posted by Cnet reviews on internet: highly respected reviewers of high end Audio:Power CablesHigh-end power cables are seriously a thing. I'm not kidding. If you believe changing the power cable in your gear will improve the audio or vide... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
Depends on cables being used! The blocks are to reduce interference! Most modern cables shield for this! My opinion! Go to Home Depot and buy a 2 by 2 and cut in pieces! 3.00 dollars!Same result! It's horse hockey! 
Cardas Golden Reference Power Cable Reterminate?
I own Cardas clear power cables! My opinion! Cardas power cables arnt worth the money! They have funky filters that will affect sonic capabilities! Pangea power cables will do the same job for a whole s...t load less money! Wireworld makes some ve...