
Responses from racarlson

Behringer DEQ2496 HELP
Eldartford is right - there should be no sound out of the speakers when measuring ambient noise. Check your I/O menu and make sure you're not sending the mike signal to the outputs. 
Behringer DEQ2496 HELP
Streetdaddy - did you EQ the channels separately? If so, the likely explanation for clipping on the left is that some bands are boosted enough to raise the digital level enough to clip. In the Utility menu, Page 1, there is an option to reduce EQ ... 
Behringer DEQ2496 HELP
On initial comparison, whichever has less upper midrange/treble (bypass or eq)is likely to sound muffled. Let your ears adapt before you pass judgment. If after listening for a while, it still sounds muffled, try one (or both) of two things: (a) w... 
Behringer DEQ2496 HELP
Ecruz, I've seen that error message a couple of times. It seems to result from bad input of some kind, for example when I turned on my upsampler (in the chain before the Behringer) with the Behringer powered up. I'm guessing that with the preamp o... 
Behringer DEQ2496 HELP
Drubin, I don't know of any sites with tutorials, but you can post your questions here or email me and I'll help as best I can. The interface and many functions can seem overwhelming at first, but you will get the knack of using it.Rich 
Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?
Sounds like you're having fun, Jayboard. The flashing of the indicator when eq is switched in is because the boosted bands go beyond "digital zero." You can adjust gain of the eq module ("gain offset" in the utility menu) to prevent this - I have ... 
Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?
Jayboard - I tried it both ways, and preferred the Monarchy ahead of the Behringer. All is not equal here, though, because by putting the Monarchy first I am converting formats to AES/EBU prior to the Behringer. It would be interesting to try addi... 
Theta Miles owners......Help.
Reubent is right, I've done the same thing with no problems. 
Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?
Absolutely worth using. Mine replaced a z-Systems RDQ-1 in this system: Theta Miles > Monarchy DIP Classic > Behringer > Benchmark DAC1 > PS Audio PCA-2 > Bryston 3BSST > Paradigm S2 & ACI Titan subs. Used with digital I/O, i... 
Using Bad Recording to Evaluate a System
Well, let me (sorta) take Yr44's side: I think it is useful to play bad recordings when evaluating a system - as long, of course, that you also use some really good recordings. Why? I think that there are many systems that sound fine on really goo... 
Behringer DEQ2496 HELP
If you are including the low frequencies in the auto-eq, I think the problem is likely that there is relatively high and highly variable low-frequency background noise. You can reduce this problem by playing the pink noise at a high level during t... 
Speakers sound better without grilles?
Depends on the speakers, but certainly many speakers do sound better without their grilles. Some manufacturers explicitly recommend removing the grilles for serious listening. Others (e.g., Paradigm) design their grilles to actually enhance disper... 
Quality Steppenwolf CD's
The fairly recent "Gold" (2-disc anthology) has been remastered, and all the classic songs sound better than on my other Steppenwolf CDs, especially in the bass. 
NeoNewbie---Using unused speaker channels?
No, that won't work, and would be likely to damage the amps. However, you may be getting somewhat more power on peaks than you would if you wer using the surround channels, since the limiting factor is likely the power supply. 
Vintage Speakers
Yes, it was Design Acoustics. You'll find a little bit of info on this thread:http://audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33632&highlight=design+acoustics