

Responses from response34

Can you recommend a simple Tube pre amp?
Shubert, If you can contact me here through AudioGon and let me know who this is and what piece you have, we can figure this out as well as why I did not get or respond to your inquiries. You can also try emailing me again at the Response34 addres... 
Why do designers/manufacturers...?
I think we all know that no matter how good us manufactures design any part of a product, there will always be someone out there that believes it can be improved upon. Too many times a 'tweak' is not better, just different.".....They would be bett... 
Why do designers/manufacturers...?
Its all about money and inventory. It cost a lot of money to stock expensive "tweaky" stuff. This also leads to higher selling cost. A high volume manufacturer has to remain consistent. There are a lot of consumers, in fact most of them, that dont... 
Gain of line preamplifier
No one type of preamp is going to be ideal for every system. There are many variables to consider such as the type of source being used, gain of the amplification and output voltage or gain of the preamplifier.We all have our views on passive vs a... 
Any suggestion of preamp for Pass' pwr amp X.5
You might want to check out the Purity Audio Design preamps. Lots of options in their range and have everything you are looking for and within the budget mentioned.Disclaimer: I am associated with Purity. 
Best 300B SET
I woulnt rule out Border Patrol. Exceptional build, styling and sound. I am a manufacturer myself and still would recommend putting Border Patrol on your list of considerations. 
Preamp help?
Any decent preamp will match up well with the Carver tube amps. I personally prefer tubes but regardless of what you choose, be sure to look at something of decent quality. I have heard the Carver amps on numerous occasions (we have shown with Car... 
Missed a word above......"less power should NOT mean less bass". 
I have designed both SET and PSET and still make both. My experince, as mentioned above is that a well designed SET should not compromize dynamic authority. Less power should mean less bass.PSET amps done right can provide the best of both worlds.... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
I don't think its a lack of interest in high end audio but more a lack of appreciation of music by the younger generation. If you listen to todays music, it becomes obvious that no matter how good the system, it will still sound like crap. High en... 
Need advice on a tube line stage
Hi JA, It will be interesting to see your findings with a passive unit(s). Curious as to which ones you will be trying. I have found that passives and solid state amps don't provide the most potential the amp has to offer. There seems to be a lack... 
HT input anomaly on Grounded Grid Preamp
It sounds to me that there is certainly something not correct in the wiring. I have been designing and building tube preamps for years and many with HT bypass. It is a very simple configuration and the volume control should have absolutely no effe... 
Recommend a recording that shows of soundstage
Glad you liked Simao?History is a great recording. One of those albums you want to crank to 11. In fact, a lot of Michael Jackson's recording are nicely done. 
Whats the ultimate 300b or 211 set amp 36watts rm
Hi Zanth.my comments were directed to nobody in particular. They were simply a general statement. I am not one to debate or make any attacks on anyone's personal observations. I apologize if they came across as such. 
Recommend a recording that shows of soundstage
Believe it or not...Vogue by Madonna. I believe it is on the Immaculate Collection album. This is recorder in Q-Sound and there are parts when she goes into vocals where her voice comes from all corners of the room if the system is capable.