
Responses from rf_gumby

audio research sells out good or bad ?
I don't think SGR is unintelligent. They have analyzed profits and probably have a reasonable expectation of Return On Investment, not an unreasonable one. That being said, expected ROI nowadays is 38-40%. In my particular industry that's insane, ... 
Lonely piece of marble: where should it go?
You will, as Frank pointed out, want to damp the entire surface of the bottom side with a quality dampening material. Only that will make the "ringing" stone slabnot be counter-productive for these purposes. You're basically creating a constrained... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
I simply had to post and say that Lenco's are indeed awesome tables, able to spar toe to toe with many current offerings out there, including bleeding edge gear. I've been reading about the Ship of Lenco for a few years now, I finally had to break... 
m22 vs. atom
A friend has 2 pair of Axioms, big and little. I would tend to avoid them. He thinks they sound o.k., I think that they tend to wear their metal tweeters on their sleeve. I think they're ported too, so maybe not the best choice as Rich said for ti... 
Stands for LS3/5a's
With LS3/5A's you need to have your ears about mid height between the woofer and the tweeter, so it depends on theheight of your listening chair. Don't go too short, or you'll miss some of the magic and you'll always be looking down at the musical... 
Shipping a VPI TT, Arm & Cartridge. Help Needed
I would do as earlier suggested, contact vpi and buy theoriginal packaging from them. They're very nice to deal with. Often times the original packing works the best, or at least competently. vpi packing is very good, they don't want to deal with ... 
How Much Is TOO MUCH for a Analog front End?
I think if you have to save for 6 to 9 months to buythe next upgrade, it's really not that big a deal. 6 to 9 months from now, you still won't have extra money, you'll still be 6 to 9 months older, but you'll have a better analog rig! And you'll h... 
Magnepan 3.6
I had 3.5R's which are slightly different. That being said, 200 watts tube or solid state is the least I would use with them. My room is large, I listen in the high 80'sspl to a wide variety of music.If your room is small (not likely with larger M... 
Moving away from tubes. Is this a good idea?
Kinda funny in reading this that you always hear advocates of SS amps complain about the inaccurate over done even harmonics of tubes, then follow up by saying that the really good SS amps sound so tube-like...I've owned many examples of both tube... 
Why so expensive??
They are probably referring to the Wavac SH-833 monoblocks.150 wpc. Monster SET's.That'd be about $1167 per watt.Reviewed by Michael Fremer in Stereophile 2004 
To tube, or not to tube, that is the question
I've heard the Sttaffs and like thme. I am always impressed with the sound Totem gets in a relativiley small packege and for a nice price.I think you can do fine with a tube amp of 30wpc or more. A SS amp wil do fine also, but I'd do at least 50-1... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
Ar_t --- Excellent post. Classy, open, repsectful andhonest. Are you sure you're at the right forum? :) 
sunfire amps good??
I was also going to mention McCormack, and you would be wise to watch for an older Bryston 250B which would fall in your price requirements.When I built my first system I had a Bryston 250 amp sitting under my bed for a year while I saved up for t... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
It's kind of silly to have to drag out the "dwindling supply of NOS tubes" argument. There are more tube manufacturers than 10 years ago thanks to the music and hifi industries, and MANY manufacturers (basically all) use current production tubes a... 
Tube Amp. Power ratings
I've seen 20 year old amps running on original tubes. Heck, I've seen 40 year old tube amps running on the original tubes. In any case, I wouldn't worry too much about tube costs as a miantenance issue, but if you're coming from the SS camp, it sh...