
Responses from ribd11

Krell Showcase Software Version
Hey there, I really don't know either but always wondered?? All I can tell you is for what these are going for you can't go wrong. It is an extremely incredible processor, and even worked wonders as just a preamp. I hate to see mine go especially ... 
This funny
I know exactly how you feel...a long time ago when I had a pair of Martin Logan Prodigy's I blew the front woofer. I was able to order it localy from a company...it costed 60.00!!?? a 60.00 woofer out of a 10,000 pair of speakers!! WHAT THE!!and i... 
Processor Help...Please
Hey there, I would strongly recommend the Krell Showcase. I have demoed many, and found the Krell to do a phenomenal job in 2ch. stereo. Not to mention it has a built-in digital EQ for room correction if needed. For what you can get one used for i... 
Problem with phase
Jpr, are you using balanced or single-ended connections between your source, preamp and amp? If balanced, you need to make sure the pins all match hot/hot, cold/cold and ground/ground. I have found that some older balanced equipment had reversed p... 
Slight humming noise coming from Mark Levinson 331
One more thing...All of the other amps I was using Krell, Parasound/Halo, Rotel, Sunfire...at 127v, they all buzzed! it's not just the Levinson. 
Slight humming noise coming from Mark Levinson 331
Hey again, If the voltage is nearing 130v you need to contact your electric company ASAP. Once they come out to check the problem and see that it is high, they'll make the necessary adjustments at the main grid. Unfortunately, if the power is on t... 
Slight humming noise coming from Mark Levinson 331
The noise you are hearing is the transformer buzzing. You may want to check the power at the wall outlet with a volt meter...if possible. If it is 110-120v you are good...even 125v is ok, but the transfoemr will start to become noisey. I think aro... 
What is the best full range Speaker ?
Definately would go for the Focus 20/20...no speaker can touch it for the money. Whisper's are also a prime choice for the money..Goodluck! 
Anyone have Legacy speakers these days?
Sthomas...I am glad I finally have someone who understands... THE most amazing set-up I have ever encountered was my 20/20's with my friends Cary SLI-80 tube integrated on the high's and my Parasound HCA-3500 on the low-end...talk about breathing ... 
Hey there. I used a Parasound HCA-3500 with my Focus and it did a CRAZY job...(120 amps of current per channel). I like Douglas_schroeders idea about another A23 and bridge it. Good luck!!! 
Anyone have Legacy speakers these days?
I agree Sthomas12321...seriously, until you sit down and audition the Focus 20/20 or the Whisper you have no idea how incredible these speakers really are. I think that the mixed reviews come from others who have spent thousands more and realize t... 
Used speakers for $3k? Oh the confusion
This is an easy one...Legacy Audio Focus 20/20. There is nothing out there that can touch this speaker for under 3k...NOTHING! If anyone disagrees they have never heard/owned a pair. PLEASE do yourself a favor a look into them before you buy. They... 
Should I bridge two Bryston 4BST Carver Amazing?
I think you will find that even two Brystons in bridged mode will still not compete with the Krell 300c. It is all about current...not wattage. Goodluck! 
The best $1500-2500 amp to run with Aerial LR5's
I agree with Ttowntony...definately the Halo A21. 
Someone hit Martin Logan CLX with the ugly stick?
Coundn't agree more about the ugly stick thing! They sound worse than they look. I actually got up and walked out in the middle of the audition...after...I believe my ears...they started to bleed...it least they felt like it anyway. Maybe it was t...