
Responses from ridavher

Making a difficult decision
I've owned both the Peachtree Nova 150 and the Parasound HINT (Original - not the HINT 6).  To me, the Nova 150 felt like a toy in a lot of ways, though I felt it sounded great (when it was operating correctly).  I didn't like the volume control a... 
Quick How to Stream MQA via Tidal to Bluesound
Thanks for posting this!  My weekend suddenly just got really busy 
New Peachtree Buzzing
Glad to hear the issue has been rectified.  I hear you on the "upgrade bug" as it hits me every 6 months or so.  I really like the Peachtree right now, but who knows how I will feel in 6 months...? :) 
New Peachtree Buzzing
Is it just a quick "fuzzy" sound from the speakers? I got the Nova150 on Friday and noticed a sound when powering on or powering off. I contacted Peachtree directly and they said it is normal for the sound at those times.  Once the amp is powered ...