New Peachtree Buzzing

I picked up a Peachtree Nova 150. I love the look and sound. It's powering a pair of Neat Iota speakers for my computer. I also plan to eventually add a turntable and sonos connect. 

When I plug in the unit and power it up I get a buzz that my phone measures at 8.4kHz. I went back to the dealer and their floor model does this as well. I'm in the process of exchanging the amp with Peachtree. 

I guess my question is... Do these switch mode power supplies frequently do this? I recall in CRT days being driven crazy by the high pitch whine/buzz. Since the amp is 2.5" from me should I just be looking for a big toroidal type power supply? Or is it a fluke that 2 of 2 units had this and I should continue with the Peachtree. 

I was considering Marantz HD-amp1 but I'm concerned about power output for my not overly sensitive speakers should I ever move the setup to a larger room. 

I was reading about that. I guess that because it did the same at the dealer, I assumed it wasn't line voltage issue. 

Any ideas on troubleshooting/fixes for this? 
Just to update everything here. The new amplifier arrived and does not have the same buzz/whine that the other one did. I can hear it running, but I can hear all the other electronics in my office as well. I may have a tiny DC offset or something and I'm going to try the Emotiva cmx-2. The new unit is basically perfect for my needs.

Again, I want to thank Peachtree for the awesome customer support and Needle Doctor for letting me work with Peachtree without worry about return window. I highly recommend both.

I'm just hoping that I don't get the upgrade bug that seems to hit everyone else on the forums. :)
Glad to hear the issue has been rectified.  I hear you on the "upgrade bug" as it hits me every 6 months or so.  I really like the Peachtree right now, but who knows how I will feel in 6 months...? :)
CMX-2 will provide good piece of mind and may even clean up the ac line for you. 
Well, luckily I feel as though I got the best speakers I could get for a desktop application and the amp sounds great.