

Responses from robyatt

Ultimate Idler Drive
You are right to each his own, but I found a Stealth rewired Triplanar far superior in all areas to my stock Triplanar. 
Ultimate Idler Drive
Phono stage -ASR Exclusive Basic two chassis, and a custom made unit by a Danish scientist friend. I also have used it with my Tektron MM tube(12AT7) phono stage and the new Ortofon Verto tranny-very nice!! 
Ultimate Idler Drive
I actually like the Gold better than all but the Reference. They fit great in the RS-but BIG experimentation, to stop gound hum! The Reference is an exact fit for the RS back holes, butslightly thiner bolts than normal are needed. 
Ultimate Idler Drive
do yourself a favor get the Triplanar wired with another kind of wire. The stock wire they use (Cardas?) is very soft sounding (Cardas?) the arm is great the wireing NOT! 
Mono Cartridge -
Otono-Edison Premium Mono-best of the best!! 
Ultimate Idler Drive
Ultimate Idler Drive
I have tried many MC's including the Stupid(!) expensive ones, none had the speed emotion and musicality of my (Decca)London Reference...until the PW. It is not as romantic as the London, but OH so neutral everything else sounds wrong! In terms of... 
Ultimate Idler Drive
When I first got my Garrard 501 Stainless Steel Inspiration I had a whole bunch of custom arm boards made to try different arms. I tried: SME V, Graham B44, Triplanar, Wilson Benesch ACT 2.0, Dynavector DV 505,507MkI, Clearaudio T1, SME 3012, and ... 
Ultimate Idler Drive
see you already know slate is the way to go! Panzerholz made a great Graham arm board for me and allowed me to never look at MDF again. However the deadnest of it robs some dynamics! The slate I find allows perfect energy flow- not dead,but no col... 
Ultimate Idler Drive
first the Louis Armstrong was the re- issue! I know my Garrard 501 out performs all my other tables. However direct comparisonWith the Grand Pric Monaco revealed a slight coloration in the vocals. Having heard what slate can do on Saskia I have or... 
Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom
I have a Graham Phantom B44 mounted via a Steve Dobbins Stainless steel Panzer Holz arm board to a Garrard Stainless Steel Inspiration 501 Turntable!I have tried Koetsu Rosewood Platinum, Ortofon Royal N SPU, Allnic Verito, ZYX Universe, Denon 103... 
Mobile fidelity gold CDR vs Black CDR
I tried Audio Xell black CDR's they won't play on all CDR's, Memorex black CDR's are pretty good. But the best are Hi Space Carbon black CDR's Not only almost indestructible, but a large audible step up! CDR burners,the Pioneer PDR 05 stable platt... 
Options matching 15 ohm LS3/5A to amps?
Tektron mono push pull KT66 with 15ohm taps great sound great looks-$4K 
Talon-New owner-NO customer service
I am done with this! I repaired the sub throgh my own efforts and for minimal cost. So all you Rives/Talon sympathizers, go ahead buy some Talon speakers with confidence. I wish you good luck, and good listening. May the music be with you! 
Talon-New owner-NO customer service
The original owner says it is still under warrenty! I rang and offered to pay, as at the time, I did not know if it was, or was not, under warrenty. I gave a lady, who now I am ttold no longer works at Rives/Talon, the serial number. SStill no one...