
Responses from rrroberts

Aerial 10t or KEF 107 for "vintage" speaker?
Yakbob, I do see how you could have an issue if the speaker is within 1 foot of the back wall...mine sit out approx. 30-34 inches and any closer the bass can get a bit muddy and resonant...sounds like you made a good choice for your situation...bu... 
Aerial 10t or KEF 107 for "vintage" speaker?
I have a set of the 10t's the later version. I use them with a Pass Labs 250.5 and have used them with a Aragon 8008BB and they will really put out the volume with that much power. If you do not plan to play them real loud that 125w 8 ohm amp shou... 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
M 2nd Sony XA7ES...my memory of the 1st one I had made me long for another 3 years after I sold it...either the 2nd one had an issue(not obvious) or my memory had one...still not sure which. 
Playback mpd3
I have the MPD3 PB DAC and use it with a Lenovo Laptop and JR17 software. It is outstanding in my system...I use the Passlabs XP20 Pre and the X250 am playing thru a pair of Aerial Acoustics 10t's. I use a Sony XA9000es into the coax input of the ... 
My love of music is killing me.
Dean, this story is heartbreaking and very close to home as well. I shared a similar music appreciation with my Father where we would trade off cuts 'till the wee hours. He passed back in 1993 and it was some time before I could feel the same abou... 
ARC Ref 3 good match with pass Xa 250.5
That would be a Pass Labs XA 250.5 power amp I believe. 
old cdp that hangs with new ones
Sony XA7ES I just went back too from an Ayre C5xe...needed the funds and run it direct to a Pass X250 with Cardas adaptors from the varible outputs to the XLR on the Pass...sounds great and don't feel very bad about the swap to it at all... 
Which Sony: SCD-1, XA777ES or XA9000ES?
Well I will put a different twist on this one...I have not had a SCD-1 in my system so I will only talk about the other two...I had an XA777 and loved it on SACD but did not care for it's redbook performance...it seemed a bit harsh and edgy to me.... 
Mark Levinson preamp 380 or 38S?
Hello,I had a 38S for a couple years and did enjoy it a lot...unfortunately it was stolen in Dec....I had planned on updating it to the 380S on recomendation of many, many people...the 380S is just that much better...I have just purchased a 380S a... 
Plasma TVs and center channel speakers
Mitch, I built a stand that clamps to the stand I mounted the plasma on..comes up behind the TV and is about 1/2" above the TV allowing it to still swing back and forth...the speaker is aimed down at about a 3 degree angle right at the seating in ... 
Aerial 7bs or Proac Response 2.5?
I had a pair of 7b's and liked them but now own the 10T's and would recommend them...better bass and all around better sound quality...I purchased a used pair for 3200 and sold the 7b's for 2600... 
Keep my XA7ES, or get a DVP-S9000ES for CD play?
I have owned both the XA7ES and currently the 9000ES and compared the two extensively....keep the XA7ES if you do not plan to use the SACD or DVD options...the XA7ES is considerbly better on the Redbook CD's. I only sold the XA7ES to upgrade to th... 
Help . Mark Levinson 38s and 380
I have a 38S and love it....I have heard it is better than the 380 but have not compared...the 380S is superior though.RR 
Nakamichi ST7- Are these amps close to Threshold?
The ST7 is a tuner...the PA7 is the amp...there is a PA7 series 2 also although I have heard the original is better...RR 
Aerial Speakers for Music and HT
I have owned the 7b amd currently own the 10T models...The mid and tweeter sound of these two speakers were very much alike...nicely detailed but not harsh, maybe slightly laid back and friendly to perhaps not as nice recordings...the 10T bass is ...