
Responses from safebelayer

Nola contender tweeters - modify?
I have considered that as a possibility yet haven't done anything about it to date. Good suggestion, thank you.  
Audio Technica ART9 sounds awful
It ended up working out just fine.  Great resolution.  Maybe a bit too bottom heavy, but who knows, maybe my speakers (Nola contenders). This will be my final entry.  Thx to you all.  
VAC vs Conrad Johnson Amps?
VAC, inseparable from Kevin Hayes and that's a great thing.  Kevin's passion and expertise brings value beyond what you hear from your speakers.  For instance, Kevin doesn't voice his equipment to anyone one speaker model, brand or type.  He's bee... 
2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy
Clear Day speaker cables. Owner /designer/assembler, Paul Laudati is a very honorable man making high end cables at very affordable prices compared to the big boys. I swapped out Cardas Neutral Reference for the Clear Day. Clearer and more dynam... 
Speaker Cable Suggestions
Buying used is great but there’s no return policy. I agree with the posters who suggest Clear Day, for all of the above reasons...biggest reason , you can demo for free and return them at a nominal cost. There are other cables you can buy and try ... 
thinking of switching from conrad johnson......
VAC Phi 300 or two Phi 200s if you can afford it.  I've listened to the 300 extensively.  Great amp all around.  VTL 6.5...good luck finding a better preamp , particularly with a remote. Plus, Kevin Hayes is great to deal with.  
Where to buy amr fuses?
George, Thank you.  I've already found an overseas dealer but these are less expensive. My search is over.  Thank you to all who have responded 
Where to buy amr fuses?
Small, Good point.  AMR receives equally as good reviews as any of those offered by for much less money. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll take my chances on something much less expensive in case it doesn't offer improvement.  Based o... 
Where to buy amr fuses?
Nope. They don't sell Amr.  Thanks for the suggestions 
Where to buy amr fuses?
I've tried calling both numbers on website. The main number is disconnected and the other goes to an unidentified voice mail.  I also sent an response so far.  
Audio Technica ART9 sounds awful
I forgot to add that I disconnected the anti skating.  Between this and the azimuth the soundstage returned.Oregonpapa, I don't have an answer for you yet.  It sounds alright at this point but I wouldn't be fair to say anything more.  As an aside,... 
Audio Technica ART9 sounds awful
I did some work on the azimuth and the vta.  Seems to have taken care of the problem.Thanks to everyone for their 2 cents...most helpful and supportive 
Audio Technica ART9 sounds awful
mreeter, I think your situation very much matched mine.  It's not a phase issue unless AT miss marked the posts.  I'll be sending mine back if the seller will accept it.Thank you to all have offered help. 
Audio Technica ART9 sounds awful
Thank you all for your suggestions and ideas...well, maybe not lewm, what!?  I'll check the out of phase connections with speakers and with the cartridge.  Checked it once already, but worth the extra work.sfall:  the Phono stage is set up right. ... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Audiolabrinth,I have no personal experience with the EAR phono stages.  I started off with the Grado phono stage.  When I purchased the Heed Quasar, I combed thru the forums for a ps that was quiet, good tonality (tube-like, if possible) and affor...