
Responses from sanji

JMW9 setup tracking problems... need help
Hi Jorsan. Glad that you got the rig up and running. I have a Scoutmaster JMW9 and a Sumiko Blackbird. This cartridge works well with the Scout series tables and arms and is also one of VPI's favorite cartridges, I've been told by the manufacturer. 
power cord length for PS audio UPC-200 power cente
Blindjim. Thank you for your post. After reading your experience, I experimented with a couple of different cables and my power conditioner. Although, I do not have a UPC 200 anymore, I did notice a difference in sound when I switched cables. 
JMW9 setup tracking problems... need help
Check the anti-skate force which is provided by the twisted wire. First set the tracking force to zero by moving the counter weight away from the cartridge (opposite direction). Then move the arm close to the spindle and lower it. The force of the... 
power cord length for PS audio UPC-200 power cente
You'll be fine. The first thing I did when I had my UPC 200 is change the power cord. I doubt if you will hear a change in the sound. Power cord changes to conditioners are much less pronounced than changes to audio components (esp. digital) thems... 
Wilson better than Thiels?
James 63. I think you are correct when you say "This extra detail was NOT brightness but real detail." This has been my experience with Thiels. The highly revealing nature of them are also merciless in showing the characteristics of other componen... 
has anyone compared Nordost Frey ICs vs Valkyrja
I recently upgraded to Tyr speaker cables and am still using Cardas Golden Ref IC's. The Tyr's were spectacular in my system. I pondered the question between Tyr, Valkyrja and Frey. What the Nordost rep told me was that the Valkyrja was very simil... 
Wilson better than Thiels?
I'm not quite convinced that Thiels are as power hungry as claimed. I've been using my 2.3's with a Conrad Johnson Premier 11A and it works great. The amp is only 70wpc and rarely do I see the amp pushing more than 5wpc at normal levels (the bias ... 
Wilson better than Thiels?
The folks who say that Thiels sound harsh are sadly mistaken (my opinion). I myself have been pondering whether to keep the Thiel 2.3's which I have enjoyed for the past six years or to upgrade to the Sophias. The Sophias have a better extended lo... 
Dylan Bootleg Number 8
Thanks Rpeluso. From what I heard, many of the songs were really fantastic but didn't quite pull the purchase trigger because I wasn't sure about the sonics. I think it's a go on the purchase now. 
Dylan Bootleg Number 8
Just out of curiosity, how are the sonics on this recording? 
Mark Levinson 390s or Naim CDX2 ?
The DAC in the 390S is not the same as the 360S. The transport though is identical to the 37. From what I have read the 360S DAC is much better than that of the 390S. However, the 390S is a fantastic player. I own one. 
Conrad Johnson 17LS Owner. Will 6dj8 work?
I know it's a bit late to post this response, but to answer your question, you should have no problem by sustituting 6DJ8's for the 6992. I did it on my Premier 16LS and it works just fine. I found the 6DJ8 to be a much sweeter tube, not as bright...