

Responses from septemous

Best Media Player
I have the Antipodes DXe and it is flawless. 
Hi Fi Dealer in New York City?
I actually bought some gear from John Rutan - and he is the reason I am an audio geek today :)I also frequent In Living Stereo. Steve is a low-key guy and its just a groovy place. 
Best music server for the money
So reading these posts, it seems that in the sub 3k category the Sony HAP-Z1ES looks like a winner?I can't afford to drop 4-7k on a server, but I'm really not liking the mac-mini setup I have now. Just too clunky. (and I have to give the mac-mini ... 
Why so little Primare gear on A'gon? Bad rep?
I love my Primare I30 Integrated, CD31 @ R20 Phono Amp. I first heard this system in 2009 and lusted after it ever since. It sounded so good (matched with ProAC r28's) that I realized I never needed anything betterI now have a pair of Epos EPIC 5 ... 
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
Primare CD31From the first time I heard this CD player in the right system (paired with i30 and ProAc R28 along with a bunch of expensive cable in a sound room) - I knew that I would never need a better one.I'm still hunting down that sound - and ... 
Elac Loudspeakers?
I'm interested in the FS249 as ELAC sounds like they have a long-standing relationship with Primare (i have the i30 / cd31 combo).Unfortuneatly, there is no demo location in New York City. So I'm thinking about doing a 30 day via a dealer.Can anyo... 
Cart Before the Horse: Signal Path Help Please
what exactly is a CAPS based system?Can't decrypt that acronym! LOL! 
Cart Before the Horse: Signal Path Help Please
What do people think about the squeezbox touch? Or the best is really a mac-mini? 
Cart Before the Horse: Signal Path Help Please
Stevecham -> Yeah I guess that is what I'm trying to avoid -> Having to keep the Hard Drive connected to the Macbook and then having it all wired together.I take the CPU back and forth to work a lot - so I'd love to have a system that is sor... 
Cart Before the Horse: Signal Path Help Please
Thank you ..I have been getting some 192kHz Flac files and I would like to get them to the DAC at 24/192. Can someone suggest the best way to get the content form an external HD to the DAC? 
Cart Before the Horse: Signal Path Help Please
I think the m1DAC has reclocking built in:"In addition, our smart data-reclocking system ensures there is virtually no audio-damaging jitter imparted to the signal."http://www.musicalfidelity.com/m1dac/ 
Cart Before the Horse: Signal Path Help Please
So is the Apple Airport Express taking in whatever signal is being sent, or is it downsampling to 16/44.1 via AirPlay ?? And then go out via optical to the DAC.I also see that you can connect a HD via USB to the Extreme - but you cannot airplay or... 
Does it at least track sales that were made via AudioGon? So say if I was to purchase a set of Forests here - is that linked up to the blue book if the checkout is done via the Audiogon Channel? 
Cart Before the Horse: Signal Path Help Please
OH- and for what it's worth -Running off a Macbook Pro with Audirvana Plus. I currently have never hooked up the MBP to the DAC. I'll be starting "the build" in the next weeks.Thank you all in advance! 
Rotel RCD-1072 vs Sony XA5400ES
I had the Rotel and was quite happy with it. Just a note - there was a MAJOR difference when I put in Kimber Cable Hero Interconnects. I would highly recommend putting a bit of $ into cables.