
Responses from siliab

Why do tubed preamps image better than SS?
My 30 years of experience as an audiophile leads me to conclude that imaging, like any other sonic attribute, is a product of many circuit design decisions, not just whether tubes or transistors are used. I've heard tube electronics yield the razo... 
Please rate WATT/Puppy 7
Keithr,I took a long time to decide. I auditioned many combinations in stores and at home. Ultimately, I chose the Wright Sound Company WPL20 preamp and the Music Reference RM-200 amp. I don't get much from other folks' detailed and generally non-... 
Please rate WATT/Puppy 7
Interestingly, I had Spectral equipment when I purchased my WP7s and found the system precise but uninvolving, the antithesis of how they performed in several other, largely tube based systems. After much deliberation I settled on a tube pre-amp a... 
Who's the best blues harp player.
Sugar Blue 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Mood dependent: Julian Bream for reflection, Sonny Sharrock to exorcise demons, Buddy Guy to shake the monkey bone, Grant Green for getting the groove on. 
Best female manly voice?
Hardly manly, but Sarah Vaughn did have a true four octave range; baritone to soprano. 
Integrated Amp and Speakers for a teenager?
I purchased a pair of Vandersteen 1Bs for $200 and a 40 wpc NAD integrated for $170 from Audiogon. Together with a garden variety Philips CD player, the musical presentation is truly exemplary. Classical and jazz in particular. 
Jet...the new Ac/dc?
Like'em LOUD! 
Your latest "HOT " secret music............
Albertporter,No, unfortunately I don't have any of the Roulettes. But, I do have two garden variety OJC LPs of "A World of Piano" and "The Great Jazz Piano". This guy's touch was simply alarming. There are very few people that have ever breathed a... 
Your latest "HOT " secret music............
Phineas Newborn - actually not new to me, but seems to be new to everyone else. A more tragically underrated jazz monster has never been committed to wax. 
Your favourite recordings that everyone else hates
Albert Ayler - Live at the Village Vanguard - One of my absolute favorites that never fails to clear the room. 
Drums drums drums Im looking for more cds
M'boom (Max Roach's percussion ensemble) - Live at S.O.B.'s 
Help Where to start with jazz?????
If you are really interested in the whole picture, its best to accept it as a continuum. The very best way that I know to hip yourself to this is the Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz. It features essential recordings from the beginning of re... 
Hi Fi Pretensions...
Upon serious consideration this is a much more challenging topic than it appears at first blush. I think those of us that rely on our audio systems for musical pleasure, rather than for purely sonic thrills are looking for a system that will allow... 
Great country music recording
Ray Charles' Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music