
Responses from strapper211

Elrod Statement Gold PC compared to old Statement
Hi Puremusic and fellow members,I started with 3 Golds and added 3 more and finally a 7th one because the effect of his cords are cumalative,you get more of what the first one did.As david explains it his cord works best when the gold feeds a gold... 
Elrod Statement Gold PC compared to old Statement
Hi John and fellow members,you think when 1 breaks in there is a change try 7 breaking in.These cords are getting deeper and wider and more powerful as time goes on,also they are so detailed and transparent and let you see far into the recording,m... 
Elrod Statement Gold PC compared to old Statement
Hi Puremusic,I changed out all my power cords to gold statements (7 of them)and am about half way through the break-in process but I wholeheartly agree with your findings,these cords are absolute magic. system Avalon Isis Cat jl3s sig Cat legend W... 
Technician in New Jersey needed
Rushton,thank you so much for the information.I will call him today,superior amps but you need a plan b with them,especially now that I am going to introduce some nos tung sol 6550s to them. Robert 
Tube Break-In sound character change
Hi,I changed the driver tubes on my cat amps to 40 year old nos amperex and telefunken,they sound a tad forward and aggressive after 20 hours.Will they break-in and how long will it take. Thanks 
Let's hear about Elrods new Silver or Gold cables
Hi Isanchez,what do you think of the silver statement and what did it replace,just curious. Robert 
Let's hear about Elrods new Silver or Gold cables
Hi Mr.Tennis,It is tough to describe something like this without you haveing heard it but I will try.The gold statement power cords are so coherent and balanced it is incredible,the top end is open and 3d like and the midrange vocals are fleshed o... 
Let's hear about Elrods new Silver or Gold cables
I am running out of superlatives on these cords,they are light years better then the vd genesis I had and anything else I ever heard.I would love someone compare this to the nordost Odin,I can not believe it is better than this.I did go the full m... 
Let's hear about Elrods new Silver or Gold cables
Hi,I have had the cords for about 2 weeks now and they just get better and better.The bass and midbass slam is totally in a league of its own,and the soundstage just keeps getting wider and deeper.Also extreme transparency and natural sweet high e... 
Review: Elrod Power Systems Gold Statement Power Cord Power cord
Hi,I have had the cords for about 2 weeks now and they just get better and better.The bass and midbass slam is totally in a league of its own,and the soundstage just keeps getting wider and deeper.Also extreme transparency and natural high end,as ... 
Review: Elrod Power Systems Gold Statement Power Cord Power cord
Hi,I have have changed all my power cords from VD genesis to Elrod Gold Statement ( 6 of them ) and am in the process of burning them in.I put my old power amp tubes back in for this not wanting to waste my newer tubes,I am running the system on t... 
Review: Elrod Power Systems Gold Statement Power Cord Power cord
Hi Unoear,I have 3 so far.1 on the turntable motor,1 on the tuner and 1 going into the Velocitor.I had a bybee supercord on the velocitor and before that a silent source cord before that but the Gold statement is in a league of its own.I have 3 mo... 
Review: Elrod Power Systems Gold Statement Power Cord Power cord
Hi,I just added a picture of one of the Gold statements on my System,man are they meaty.Reminds me of a Boa,but they sound out of this world good,I think they are the best on the market.PERIOD. 
Review: Elrod Power Systems Gold Statement Power Cord Power cord
Hi Bostonbean,I am totally impressed with David Elrods new offerings.His power cords,interconnects and speaker cables are superb efforts,especially the gold.Maybe the best out there.MAYBE? Robert 
Review: Elrod Power Systems Gold Statement Power Cord Power cord
By the way has anyone had a chance to compare the Gold statement interconnects or speaker cables to transparent opus mm2,I would be very interested. Robert