
Responses from tango_tilingo

Should I upgrade power cord for my preamp?
Hi Chris I trade my Cary Audio SLP-05 for the ARC LS27 and so far very happy with my decision. I mate my preamp with ARC DS-450 Power amp, this combo work magic. If you have any questions please send me a note and I will give you more details abou... 
Class D and Power Cables
Hi Teletrout. I recommend that that you talk to Matt from Audio Advisor they sell Pangea Power cableI try one set of Pangea S.E. series it elevate my systemto the next lever, and the best part they are very afordable, believe me the work.Here is a... 
What preamp should i buy
I have an Audio Research LS27 I think that you will be happy with how it sound good lock tango. 
Class D and Power Cables
Almarg, I agree with you statments, what i recommendto fellows audiophile is to install a 15 amp separetecircuit line for you A/V sounds system.good luck Tango. 
Class D and Power Cables
Dear Teletrout I have an Audio Research LS 27 and a class D DS450 power amp. I replaced the power cords on both units with the Pangea the 14SE or the 7SE you will not believe the improvement. Please call Audio Advisor and talk to Mat, he will guid... 
Audio Research DSi200 with Dyns C1 Signature
I have an audio research ls 27 and i try the DS225 great sound with my dynaudio contour 5.4 but for the ultima sound go for the DS450 it is a match made in heaven.I love my dynaudio but, the do need an amp with high current to control the lower fr... 
Amplifier for Dynaudio Confidence C1
I have Dynaudio contour 4.5 from my point of view dynaudio are great speaker,s but, they need a high current power ampalong with a high damper factor to sound the bestI drive my dynaudio with Audio research LS27 and the DS225 power amp a superb co... 
Preamp recommedations for Pass Labs XA-100.5
Erndog, thanks for letting me know that I was in the wrong Thread, my question to you is I have a Sim Audio Moon power Amp and I would like to know if the Audio Research SL 27 Pre- Amp would be a goodmatch for, it thanks in advance Erndog. Tango. 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
Has anybody compare the Audio Research SL 27 pre-ampto a Cary Audio SLP-05 pre-amp, thanks. 
Sara K SACD vs. XRCD
I would like to knows if and Audio Research LS 27tube pre-amp will work with a Sim Audio moon LEMy speakers are Dynaudio contour 5.4 thanks in advance. 
Chord QuteHD DAC Review
Thanks for this posting article, this DAC is getting a 5 starts reviews here in the U.S.A. I justorder one for my self, so. I, am looking forward to share the news of how it sound, thanks again. Juan. 
Top monitors 3K - 6K range
Hi Michael I read on this blog that you like caribbean music I, am from that region too.the Dominican Republic. While I was living there I listento a lot of Cuban music I love it, specially the Buena Vista Social Club you will love it. Juan. 
Dynaudio C1 II vs Focal Micro BE vs Harbeth SHL5
Michael it was a pleasure discribing your speaker,sreview.I have a pair of dynaudio my is contour 5.4 been driven by Simadio Moon w-5 L E and a cary SLP 05.I just want to thank you for a job well done.Thanks again Michael Juan. 
CD player with Vandersteen and Conrad Johnson
I higly recommend the Sony XA5400 SACD I bought one and it sound better than my Cary Audio 300/300by the way my Cary price was $4.000 Dollar you can getthe 5400 for about $1.200 on ebay. Good luck. 
Soundsmith re-tips received today
I bough a new Soundsmith AIDA cartridge from Mr PeterLetterman, and I was surprise to find out that ifthere was any questions in regard to the sound of thecartridge he would personally contact the costumer to make sure that you was happy with soun...