

Responses from tarichar

Lubricate Levinson No. 37
First try some wine and candles. Talk sweetly and stroke the transport gently. If you still need lubrication then try KY jelly! 
Next step after B&W 802D
it's because he uses Bose 901's as a reference. 
What new amp for my Merlins
It could fit on the bottom but I have my 5 channel amplifier in there. In addition, I have 6 and 8 year old children and I'm afraid they may hurt my tubes.It does put out heat, but every tube amplifier does. I had a 50 watt deHavilland SET that pu... 
What new amp for my Merlins
I am using an ARS filharmonia on my VSM-Mxe's and it is a wonderful amplifier.It doesn't run out of steam like the Joule Stargates do and the little amplifer is built like a tank. There is no remote control, and the tubes do tend to put out a good... 
Suggestions on an integrated amp for Merlin TSMM
I waited quite a while for my Filharmonia but it was worth the wait. I am working on a review on both the speakers and the amp. To answer your question it is auto-bias.troy 
Speakers Like Merlin VSM?
I have a thing for watches and finally purchased the patek phillipe I'd been pursuing for the past decade. I am now officially off the merry go round with regards to watches.The same can now be said of me for audio. I had Merlin TSM's and just bou... 
Suggestions on an integrated amp for Merlin TSMM
This is the famous amplifier that matches synergistically with Merlins. www.ars-sonum.comtroy 
Ayre balanced interconnects
The Ayre Signature Series use the same Cardas conductors and air tubes but a different dielectric and orientation. According to Ayre, their interconnects sound a little more extended at the frequency extremes and match their equipment better, thou... 
Ayre balanced interconnects
They are similar, and are made by Cardas but to Ayre's specifications. But they are not the same as the Cardas GR.Troy 
GMA Callisto VS. Merlin TSM
Songwriter's problem is a problem that many people have when they approach a subject that they know a little about but don't understand the subject thoroughly.I will give you an example. During medical oral boards, a mix of prominent academically ... 
GMA Callisto VS. Merlin TSM
The VSM was reviewed in stereophile at the link below, in the measurements section the VSM is seen to have one of the flatest frequency responses I've ever seen. Also, it can be seen that the drivers are connected in positive polarity.http://www.s... 
Blue Circle Music Bar - Anyone use them?
I purchased a music bar a few months ago to use in me dedicated home theater and music system.It did lower the noise floor and made the whole system more quiet, increasing the dynamic range.I plugged my DVD/CD/SSP/TV into this which in turn run in... 
Black Level on Plasma Display
Most plasma displays suffer from the inability to display black- most display only shades of gray. It has only been recently that some manufacturers have been able to address this problem. The best display IMO is the Runco 42cx and 50 which use an... 
Linn Komri
The new Linn Komri was played at the Home Entertaiment Expo by a stack of Klimax amps. The list price is expected at 40,000 USD. A reviewer at the show got a chance to hear it and his comments on the speaker can be found at www.enjoythemusic.comTroy 
I opened both MIT and Transparent netwks
Over the last 10 years, I have opened the Transparent Super, Ultra, and the Musiclink. interconnects, and the reference digital cable (no network on this).For MIT I opened the Terminator 3, MI 330 Series 2, and T3i digital cables(this one only had...